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понедельник, 03 апреля 2023
12:55 6 Tips for Intermittent Fasting Beginners
6 Tips for Intermittent Fasting Beginners

Before trying intermittent fasting, set yourself up for success by following these steps.

1. Decide on the Type
If your goal is weight loss, consider how much weight you want to lose. If it’s significant, it may make more sense to start with alternate-day fasting, though it’s more challenging, says Varady. This way, you can lose a good amount of weight in the first couple of months, which can keep motivation up. Then you may switch to time-restricted eating because it’s easier to stick with longer term, she says.

2. Set Your Window
If you’re going to try time-restricted eating, you’re going to have to decide on your eating window. This can be done by preference. Some clients tell Bauer that they simply don’t need to eat in the morning, so they’ll start their eating window with lunch, have a snack, and then eat dinner. Others will scrunch all three meals into the smaller eating window.

Not ready to go all the way? Try a 12-hour fast, which is the most natural pattern for people to fall into, says Bauer. It’s not as stringent, but it stops nighttime eating, which can help you lose weight and decrease heartburn or sleep problems caused by consuming food too close to bedtime, she says.

3. Plan Fasting Days Strategically
Fasting may trigger unpleasant emotions like “hanger” (anger caused by being hungry), as well as fatigue and headaches, Susie says. She recommends looking at your week and being mindful of the days that you need to perform especially well, like a day when you have a presentation for work. Those are not the days to plan a fast.

Similarly, if you have an important social function (a birthday party or another celebration), it can be really tough to fast on days when special foods are a big component. Looking ahead to fit IF around your lifestyle, not the other way around, is key to making this work for you long term.

4. Still Reach for Nutritious Foods
The belief that during feasting periods you can eat what you want is not quite true, especially if you want to do this healthfully. “Fasting is not a replacement for healthy eating,” says Bauer. To get the nutrients you need, focus on foods with lean protein, fiber, and low-GI carbohydrates, fruits, and vegetables, she says. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. This will ensure that you don’t get dehydrated, which only exacerbates side effects like headaches.

5. Slide Your Window
Again, if you’re following time-restricted eating, know that you don’t have to keep the same eating window every day. You can adjust it depending on your commitments. For example, if you have special brunch plans, then slide your window up so that you can participate — and feel happy and satisfied (not deprived) while intermittent fasting.

6. Consult a Healthcare Professional
You might have a lot of questions about if IF is right for you, what to eat, or how to make it work in your own life, especially if you have underlying health conditions. In that case, it’s best to reach out to a registered dietitian nutritionist for guidance on how to do this safely, says Susie. You can find one in your area using the nutrition expert finder tool from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics at

Resources We Love: Intermittent Fasting
Favorite Books
Fast. Feast. Repeat.

The New York Times bestseller is a go-to guide for a reason: It details how to craft your own IF schedule to fit your life, as well as how to get out of the dangerous dieting mindset that holds you back from your goals. How? With her “delay, don’t diet” approach — meaning you eat the delicious foods you like but delay them to a specific time frame, which may help increase satisfaction and eliminate feeling restricted.

The Everything Guide to Intermittent Fasting

When you’re not sure what to eat to maximize your nutrition — no matter if you’re doing 5:2, 16:8, or 24-hour fasts — this book delivers 100 delicious recipes (such as breakfast chia bowl and chicken breasts stuffed with spinach and feta) to keep you on plan and healthy.

The Every-Other-Day Diet: The Diet That Lets You Eat All You Want (Half the Time) and Keep the Weight Off

Count this book by IF researcher Varady as your how-to guide for successfully following an alternate-day fast. She takes knowledge gleaned from what worked for participants in her studies, outlines exactly how to follow an alternate-day fasting plan that aims to help you lose weight, and shows you how to keep it off.

Complete Guide to Fasting

An extremely popular read by Jason Fung, MD, a popular proponent of intermittent fasting and low-carb eating, this book dives deep into what you can expect when you start fasting — the good and bad — including how to do it, benefits, and how to track your progress.

Favorite E-Book
Intermittent Fasting: An Introduction

A team of nutrition scientists at Precision Nutrition, a private nutrition coaching and education company, compiled a very thorough (and free) e-book on everything you need to know about IF, including benefits, weight loss, choosing an IF schedule, and exactly what to do to put it into action.

Favorite Podcast
The Human Upgrade With Dave Asprey

Not sure where to begin? Science author and podcaster Dave Asprey has a list of nine must-listen episodes that cover IF in depth, making it a good roundup when you want to take a deeper dive. The episodes will walk you through some of the more scientific topics, such as how fasting improves metabolic flexibility, why fat is your friend, and how fasting affects women’s hormones.

Favorite Apps
EatWise — Meal Reminder

iOS, Android; free

Don’t get off track. This app allows you to set how many meals you’re eating, track the time between meals, and get reminders on when to eat. There’s also an area to track weight loss progress.

Fastic: Intermittent Fasting

iOS, Android; free, in-app purchases (memberships start at $11.99/month)

You’ve got everything you need to make the practical side of IF work for you: A fasting timer, water tracker, and nutrition plans, plus you can connect with other people doing IF to swap fasting hacks.
суббота, 01 апреля 2023
12:06 What Is Intermittent Fasting? A Detailed Beginner's Guide
What Is Intermittent Fasting? A Detailed Beginner's Guide

By now, you’ve no doubt heard of intermittent fasting (IF). Maybe your brother skipped out on brunch the last time you got together because it was too early for him to eat. Or maybe your friend couldn’t do a late dinner last time you saw her.

Although IF has become part of the popular diet lexicon in recent years, fasting overall is nothing new. Hippocrates was reportedly the first person to use fasting in the fifth century B.C. to treat illness, and it is an essential part of many religious traditions, including in Islam.right up arrow
There are many reasons why you might try fasting, or specifically IF, from weight loss to wellness. Use this scientific guide to get the lowdown on IF specifically. You’ll also find tips for how to set yourself up for success if you decide to start.

Intermittent Fasting?
Unlike some other diets, intermittent fasting doesn’t have a long list of rules. Instead, the approach is all about “entirely or partially restraining or abstaining from eating during a specific period of time,” says Heather Bauer, RDN, founder of Heather Bauer Nutrition in New York City.

In other words, IF involves pauses from eating. While some people find that they enjoy IF, this is not the right diet for everyone, she says.

How Intermittent Fasting Works
You choose how you want to do IF by deciding which days of the week you will fast. On fasting days, you’ll likely follow a severe calorie-restricted diet or you may not eat at all. You can also fast for a certain time every day. Ultimately, this results in consuming fewer calories over the course of the week, and some experts, including Caroline Susie, RDN, a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in Dallas, say that this calorie reduction is what sometimes leads to weight loss and then potentially additional metabolic benefits.

Types of Intermittent Fasting
There is no one standard way to practice IF. “Intermittent fasting is an umbrella term for three different types of diets,” says Krista Varady, PhD, a professor of nutrition at the University of Illinois in Chicago and a researcher on intermittent fasting. Here’s what you’re most likely to see, she says:

Alternate-Day Fasting
For the most common type of alternate-day fasting, you eat 500 calories every other day. On off days, you can eat what you want.

5:2 Diet
Popular in the United Kingdom, you consume 500 calories on two nonconsecutive days per week. On the other days, you eat whatever you like.

Time-Restricted Eating
You choose a window of time during which you can eat (feast); the rest of the day you don’t eat (fast). One popular setup is 16:8, which means you fast for 16 hours and you can eat during the other eight hours. For instance, you might set your eating window from 12 noon to 8 p.m. daily. (This could also be called skipping breakfast.)

Potential Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
Overall, rigorous, long-term research on intermittent fasting is still limited, and many of the conclusions you’ll read online are based on animal studies, says Susie. It’s unclear whether any type of IF is truly safe or effective in the long run.right up arrow
So proceed with caution. With that in mind, here’s how IF may benefit you:

Heart Disease Prevention
Though more research is needed, one review concluded that IF is promising for improving cardiovascular health because it decreases cardiovascular risk factors, such as obesity, high blood pressure and cholesterol, and diabetes.right up arrow Right now, say researchers, it’s unclear which type of IF is best for heart health.

Treat Type 2 Diabetes
IF may be a promising treatment for type 2 diabetes.right up arrow Fasting aids in weight loss, decreases insulin resistance, and favorably affects hormones released by fat cells that impact appetite and inflammation levels. That said, if you have diabetes, you should not attempt IF on your own without talking to your doctor first.
Fend Off Alzheimer’s Disease and Stroke
While research is still ongoing, some studies find that intermittent fasting may help decrease the risk of stroke and Alzheimer’s disease.right up arrow That said, much of this understanding comes from animal research, and it’s not clear when one should start IF during the course of their life to decrease the risk of neurological conditions. What’s more, despite what proponents say about IF improving cognitive abilities, such as focus, IF does not appear to be a short-term brain-booster.
Improve Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
In a systematic review and meta-analysis of six studies, people with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (liver disease seen in people with obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome) who practiced IF saw an improvement in liver function tests, compared with individuals who didn’t fast. The authors concluded this was because IF leads to weight loss.right up arrow Nonetheless, the researchers point out that more large-scale, randomized studies are needed before making specific recommendations.
Weight Loss Effects of Intermittent Fasting
When on IF, you’re simply eating during fewer time periods, whether that be fewer hours in the day or fewer days of eating. “In our research, we’ve found that time-restricted eating naturally cuts out several hundred calories per day,” says Dr. Varady. That roughly results in losing about one to two pounds per week, she has observed in her research. It’s similar to doing a calorie-restricted diet every day, but a touted benefit is that you don’t have to count calories.

One of her studies found that people who reduced their eating window to eight hours per day consumed about 300 fewer calories and lost about 3 percent of their body weight over 12 weeks. On the other hand, alternate-day fasting may help someone cut 25 to 35 percent of their daily calories (over the course of the week) and leads to weight loss of 4 to 6 percent of body weight over 12 weeks. right up arrow
Another review of 11 meta-analyses concluded that IF, particularly alternate-day fasting, was beneficial for helping overweight or obese adults decrease their body mass index (BMI), a measure of body weight, better than a regular diet.right up arrow “With alternate-day fasting, the weight comes off twice as fast,” says Varady. The thing is, compared with time-restricted eating, many people find alternate-day fasting more difficult to sustain and fit into real-life scenarios, she says. In Varady’s research, 30 to 40 percent of people dropped out of alternate-day fasting studies, she says. Conversely, time-restricted eating only has a dropout rate of 5 percent in Varady’s research.
That said, more long-term data (based on following people for one to two years) is needed. The majority of Varady's published research has lasted a maximum of six months.

Intermittent Fasting Side Effects
Before jumping into an entirely new way of eating, be aware that there are some side effects you may experience, says Susie:

Low energy
These can all happen because you’re not eating, says Susie. While they’re normal, they are uncomfortable, and it can affect your day-to-day sense of well-being. Some people will find that these are not good trade-offs and will choose to stop IF. This is completely okay. It’s not for everyone.

One note: Expect hunger to peak during the first 10 days, then decrease as your body adjusts to a new pattern of eating, says Varady.

Health Risks of Intermittent Fasting
Do not try intermittent fasting if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, says Bauer. Similarly, if you have a low (underweight) BMI or a history of an eating disorder, IF is not right for you. Varady also cautions adults older than 70 against trying fasting, as it can lead to muscle loss, which is critical to preserve in older age.

Also, if you have any type of diabetes, speak to your doctor first, as this may not be safe for you. Skipping a meal can lead to low blood sugar, which can cause dizziness, fainting, and falls.right up arrow If you are on any medication that needs to be taken at a certain time and consumed with food, you’ll also need to connect with your doctor.
пятница, 31 марта 2023
11:04 Tunisian morgue overflows as more people attempt risky sea crossing
Tunisian morgue overflows as more people attempt risky sea crossing

On a recent afternoon in the Tunisian coastal city of Sfax, as shoppers hurried around a market buying food and drink for that evening’s iftar meal, a small group of men from sub-Saharan Africa gathered near a stall selling phone accessories.

One of them, Joseph, had made a two-week journey to the city from Cameroon eight months ago. His plan, like thousands before him fleeing poverty and conflict in Africa and the Middle East in the hope of a better life, had been to board a boat from near Sfax and cross the Mediterranean to Europe.

Now, reluctantly, he had changed his mind. The boat journey was too fraught with risk, and conditions in Tunisia had become intolerable. He was making plans to return to Cameroon.

“Look,” Joseph said, pointing to a photo on his phone of an acquaintance who had recently set off from Sfax. “He is now dead. He drowned.” Joseph alleged that when the Tunisian coastguard came across the boat, they removed its engine and left it at sea, where it sank.

Attempts to cross the sea from the coast around Sfax have increased sharply in recent weeks amid a wave of racist violence sparked by an incendiary speech by the Tunisian president, Kais Saied, who claimed that irregular migration from other parts of Africa was part of an international conspiracy to change Tunisia’s demographic character.

Families have reported being chased from their homes and even attacked with knives. Many have lost their precarious informal jobs, which pay for their food and rent, because their Tunisian employers fear arrest. In the capital, Tunis, growing numbers are sleeping under tarpaulins outside the offices of the UN refugee agency.

In the past week alone, 29 people from sub-Saharan African are known to have drowned after two boats sank off the coast of Sfax. On Wednesday, the regional director for health told the TAP news agency that the number of bodies of migrants in the local morgue had exceeded its capacity.

Standing near Joseph, carrying a bag of taboon flatbreads, was Olivier, from Ivory Coast. He arrived a year ago and has been trying to save the 3,000 dinars (£780) he said it would cost to make the trip to Europe.

“You need to have two jobs to pay for the crossing,” he said. “The money you earn from working is very little, sometimes just 20 dinars a day, which is not enough to live on.”

Olivier said it took most people two years to save enough to pay the smugglers. The smugglers charge less for crossings over winter, when the sea is rougher, which helps explain why the fatality rate for crossings by people from the sub-Sahara is much higher than for Tunisians, who are more likely to be able to afford to pay extra to cross in summer.

Asked about the dangers, he smiled. “If you have a dream in your mind, you will go,” he said. “Nothing will stop you.”

Olivier explained how it works: smugglers contact people hoping to cross and tell them to take taxis to points on the beaches along the coast. Once there, people can either attempt the crossing with a fisher, or buy a boat and pay extra for training in navigation.

According to UN data, at least 12,000 migrants who reached Italy this year set sail from Tunisia, compared with 1,300 in the same period of 2022. Previously, Libya was the main departure point.

Tunisia’s Forum for Social and Economic Rights said last week that the Tunisian coastguard prevented more than 14,000 people setting off in small boats during the first three months of this year, compared with 2,900 in the same period last year.

Saied has become increasingly autocratic since winning the presidency in 2019, stripping parliament of its powers and more recently overseeing the repression of political opponents and the free press.

His crackdown on undocumented migrants has been widely interpreted as an attempt to deflect blame for Tunisia’s economic woes.

Tunisians have themselves been leaving the country in ever greater numbers in recent years, and its economic future appears to rest on an IMF bailout that has been delayed by demands by the US and others for far-reaching reforms.

Last week, the Italian foreign minister, Antonio Tajani, conjured an image of “hundreds of thousands of people in the Mediterranean Sea” unless Tunisia’s financial collapse could be avoided.

In Sfax, Olivier gestured at a small, ad hoc marketplace staffed by undocumented people. “There are thousands of us in Tunisia,” he said. “It’s the migration capital of the Mediterranean.”

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среда, 29 марта 2023
20:47 Summiting Mount Everest? This Greenhouse at 13,000 Above Sea Level Will Amaze You
Summiting Mount Everest? This Greenhouse at 13,000 Above Sea Level Will Amaze You

When you’re trekking, perhaps the most important thing in your mind is to finish your hike and reach your destination where you can reap rewards – a beautiful view and a deep sense of pride.

Food has not been the greatest concern nor even the main feature that you’re excited to arrive at.

In fact, it sometimes brings inconvenience, having to carry loads of ready-to-eat packs, which will taste bland after a day.

However, an adventure on Mount Everest, the highest above sea level, would make you rethink about it.

Unexpected Gardens in Everest
You’ll be amazed to find what you see while trekking. Depending on where you are hiking, you can be bored with pathways filled with rocks or you can learn a thing or two about the villages you’ll pass by.

Add to that the perk of knowing what keeps the people in the area busy, therefore immersing on a different culture.

Modern Farmer’s Frank Giustra, however, was stunned to find something precious when he summited Mount Everest – a greenhouse at 13,000 above sea level.

He noted that unlike his trek to Kilimanjaro two years ago when he would thrive on rice, beans, and ginger tea, the Everest trip had much more variety in it.

But, what’s more impressive was when they arrived at their guide Ang Temba Sherpa’s house, where they were served dinner.

The scene-stealer, Frank revealed, was the vegetable salad, which was from the local’s very own greenhouse, where the Nepalese couple grows sorts of vegetable, from broccoli to bok choy, to tomatoes, to lettuce, and cucumber, and even herbs like mint and chives.

A Result of Difficulty in Getting Supplies
Temba and his wife Yangzee created the greenhouse in 2012 in Pangboche. But why did they build one in the first place?

Citizens were only able to plant potatoes in the area and so, in order to survive, Sherpas must make their way to other places to source other food. There is also the Namche Bazaar, a village in which they could purchase rice and other staples.

The high mountains may be too nice to look at, but it certainly is hard to make your way up and down just to get material and sustenance.

What adds to the treacherous travel is the lack of mobile, carts, bikes, and motorcycles because of the steep trails. Residents rely on yaks to carry their purchases up to Khumbu Valley.

Hence, Temba’s family made their own garden out of stone to build the walls and corrugated plastic as a roof, which is practical as compared to others.

Unclimbable Mount Everest?
Meanwhile, what good will it bring if mountain climbers won’t be able to see the beauty of the culture in the region?

This is after Apa, one of the Sherpas who already had climbed Mount Everest for more than 20 times, revealed that he might not be able to summit the peak again because of the lack of snow.

Furthermore, he said that this wasn’t the case during his first climb in 1989, but now, trekkers are at risk of rockfalls.

Because of this, it became more difficult to climb even when wearing crampons, spiked shoes specially made for ice. Donning the footwear while stepping on bare rocks was slippery.

Climate change doesn’t only mean chaos for future climbers – recently, the melting of snow in the area revealed a harrowing scenery of dead bodies.

Because of the steep and arduous path to the peak, there are many brave souls who got covered in ice, most of which were found at Khumbu Icefall, the most dangerous part of the journey.
вторник, 28 марта 2023
23:28 Blueberries and Green Beans Added to EWGs Dirty Dozen Produce List
Blueberries and Green Beans Added to EWGs Dirty Dozen Produce List

Blueberries and green beans have the unsavory distinction this year of being added to the “Dirty Dozen,” a ranking of conventionally grown, nonorganic produce items with the most pesticide residue. The list is compiled annually by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a nonprofit health organization. Celery and tomatoes, which appeared among the Dirty Dozen last year, have now dropped off the list.

“Everyone — adults and kids — should eat more fruits and vegetables, whether organic or not,” said Alexis Temkin, PhD, a toxicologist at EWG, in a press release.

“But in the ongoing absence of meaningful federal oversight, consumers concerned about pesticide exposure can use EWG’s Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce to navigate the produce aisle in ways that work best for them and their families,” Dr. Temkin said.

The nonprofit also publishes the “Clean 15,” a list of conventional produce with the least amount of pesticides.

EWG Report Relies on Federal Produce Testing Data
EPA regulations limit the kind and amount of pesticides permitted for conventional farming, but the chemicals can still pose health hazards, and these substances — including some that have been banned — continue to be used to treat our nation’s nonorganic produce.

The EWG’s results are based on latest testing data from over 45,000 samples of 46 fruits and vegetables provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The new 2023 report found that nearly three-quarters of nonorganic fresh produce sold in the United States contains residues of potentially harmful pesticides. Some of the testing showed traces of pesticides long since banned by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

“Despite the abundance of science linking exposure to pesticides with serious health issues, a potentially toxic cocktail of concerning chemicals continues to taint many of the nonorganic fruits and vegetables eaten by consumers,” said Temkin.

What Is the ‘Dirty Dozen’ Produce List?
These are the 12 fruits and vegetables most contaminated by pesticides in 2023, according to the EWG: strawberries; spinach; kale, collards, and mustard greens; peaches; pears; nectarines; apples; grapes; bell and hot peppers; cherries; blueberries; and green beans.

Kale, collards, and mustard greens, as well as hot peppers and bell peppers, had the most pesticides detected of any crop — 103 and 101 pesticides in total, respectively.

Focusing on the new addition of blueberries and green beans, the 2023 guide noted that these products had “troubling concentrations” of organophosphate insecticides, chemicals that can harm the human nervous system. The neurotoxic pesticide acephate, which the EPA banned from use on green beans in 2011, was detected on 6 percent of green bean samples.

Although the United States has banned certain chemicals for use on crops, a report published in the scientific journal Environmental Health in June 2019 found that America lags behind other agricultural nations in banning harmful pesticides.

The EWG report concluded that much stricter federal regulation and oversight of these chemicals is needed.

What Are the Potential Health Problems Posed by Pesticides?
Because pesticides are toxic by design and meant to kill living organisms (insects, plants, and fungi considered to be pests), it might be expected that they can be harmful to humans as well.

The health effects of pesticides depend on the type of chemical. The EPA warns that some classes of pesticide, such as organophosphates and carbamates, affect the nervous system. Others may increase cancer risk, irritate the skin or eyes, or affect the hormone or endocrine system in the body.

“Research has shown that children are at higher risk for health effects from exposure to pesticides than adults, because their internal organs are still developing and maturing,” says Beth Czerwony, RD, a registered dietitian with Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Human Nutrition, who was not involved in the study.

An analysis of 83 studies regarding the health effects of food contaminants on young children published in the July 2021 issue of Nutrients revealed that chronic exposure can lead to developmental delays, disorders of the nervous, urinary, and immune systems, and to cardiovascular disease.

The threats pesticides pose to children’s health have been known since at least 1993 — 30 years ago — when the National Academies of Science published a landmark study warning of inadequate oversight, according to the EWG.

What Is the ‘Clean 15’ List?
One way to decrease possible exposure to pesticides is to choose more products known to have lower contamination. These 15 produce items had the lowest amounts of pesticide residues, according to the 2023 EWG report: avocados, sweet corn, pineapple, onions, papaya, sweet peas (frozen), asparagus, honeydew melon, kiwi, cabbage, mushrooms, mangoes; sweet potatoes, watermelon, and carrots.

Almost 65 percent of “Clean 15” fruit and vegetable samples had no detectable pesticide residues, according to the EWG analysis. Avocados and sweet corn were the cleanest produce; less than 2 percent of samples showed any detectable pesticides.

As the guide stresses, standards for growing organic produce ban the use of synthetic pesticides, and looking for the USDA Organic label is a simple way to identify items likely to have no or minimal traces of those substances.

“Consumption of organically produced food reduces pesticide exposure and is linked to a variety of health benefits, according to multiple studies, especially findings from a large study in France,” wrote the EWG in a statement.

How to Minimize Pesticide Exposure From Nonorganic Produce
While the Shopper’s Guide can help consumers make fruit and vegetable selections that will minimize exposure to harmful chemicals, Czerwony advises that consumption of fruit and vegetables — organic or not — is critical to a healthy diet. She notes that the U.S. Dietary Guidelines urge Americans to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into their daily eating habits.

RELATED: 10 Tricks for Getting Enough Fruits and Veggies

Cleaning nonorganic produce can also help lower risks from pesticides. “As a rule of thumb, washing with water reduces dirt, germs, and pesticide residues remaining on fresh fruit and vegetable surfaces,” says Czerwony. “Washing and rubbing produce under running water is better than dunking it.”

She also suggests that produce with thicker skins that can be removed — such as melons and bananas — pose less risk.

Ultimately, for Czerwony, the value of eating fresh fruits and vegetables outweighs potential hazards. In other words, conventional blueberries are better than no blueberries at all.

“The body has its own way of eliminating pesticides, so there should not be a fear associated with consuming fresh foods,” she says. “Enjoying a variety of foods helps to have a healthy body that can self-regulate and decrease health risk.”
10:55 Rwanda scheme would completely erode UKs standing on world stage
Rwanda scheme would completely erode UKs standing on world stage

The UK’s plan to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda would “completely erode” Britain’s standing on the world stage, the new head of Human Rights Watch (HRW) has said.

Tirana Hassan, who takes over as HRW’s executive director on Monday, also said other conservative governments in Europe were considering following Britain’s lead and looking at African states as an offshore dumping ground for asylum seekers, potentially dealing further blows to established refugee protections.

“Everyone should care about this. This isn’t just about what’s happening in the UK,” Hassan told the Guardian, on the eve of her confirmation as HRW’s permanent new chief, succeeding Kenneth Roth, who did the job for nearly three decades.

The UK government’s deportation scheme was agreed with Rwanda nearly a year ago but has been held up by legal challenges since then, including the intervention of the European court of human rights. The home secretary, Suella Braverman, visited Kigali earlier this month to see accommodation blocks being built for deported asylum seekers from Britain, causing additional controversy by taking only the rightwing press with her.

The government has also proposed a restrictive new immigration bill under the slogan “stop the boats” aimed at cutting down refugee crossings of the Channel.

“It’s cheap politics, divisive and completely contrary to human rights,” Hassan said. “I think that this current government in the UK is essentially scraping the bottom of the barrel.”

“This is just going to completely erode any sort of international standing that the UK has when it comes to human rights on the international stage. They don’t have a leg to stand on in terms of their credibility any more,” Hassan said.

The government is confident it can overcome the political legal obstacles and begin deporting asylum seekers to Rwanda by this summer. Hassan said that if it succeeds, it would be a significant setback for human rights worldwide.

“What’s going to happen if the UK gets away with the Rwanda deal and that goes forward, is that other countries will follow,” she said, noting that north African countries were being considered as potentially sites for off-shore refugee camps by some European capitals. “We’ve already heard whispers of this – people who are going to conservative governments like Hungary, like Poland, like Italy, saying this is a model that can’t be replicated … It’s a very slippery slope.”

“It’s always coined as the rise of autocracy against democracy,” she said. “But it doesn’t always have to be about the rise of autocracy. It’s can actually just be a couple of pages out of the autocrat’s handbook that get passed around.”

The model of intercepting refugee boats and putting asylum seekers into offshore camps was pioneered by Australia, and the country’s former foreign minister, Alexander Downer, has advised the UK prime minister, Rishi Sunak, on immigration policy.

Hassan said the immigration policies pursued by the Liberal party governments of John Howard and Tony Abbott torpedoed Australia’s hopes of leadership on human rights in the Indo-Pacific region.

“There was very little credibility for Australia to actually stand up on human rights issues when its domestic record was so poor,” she said.

In her last year in law school in Adelaide, Hassan co-founded a refugee advocacy group to represent refugees being held at a camp on a converted missile test range at Woomera.

“We had women sewing their lips together, children on hunger strike, people were literally throwing themselves off the top of the fences into lines of razor wire,” Hassan said. “That’s how desperate people were.”

Hassan, 48, who has been serving as acting head of HRW since Roth left in August last year, embodies a change in generation at the top of the organisation and her background is rooted in the global south. She was born in Singapore, the daughter of a Pakistani sociologist and a dentist mother who was half-Sri Lankan, half-Chinese and was born in Malaysia. The family had to move to Australia when she was three after her father, Riaz Hassan, wrote a book that irritated the Singaporean government.

Since stepping down, Hassan’s predecessor made news in January after the dean of the Harvard Kennedy school tried to block Roth from taking up a fellowship there over his past criticisms of Israel’s human rights record. The dean backed down after a public and academic outcry, and Hassan insisted the incident would in no way influence HRW’s approach to monitoring human rights in Israel and the Palestinian territories.

“We consistently report on the abuses that come up. We don’t take sides,” she said. “Our job is to establish an independent narrative, to assess it against international law and make recommendations to governments to do something about it. We do that on Israel-Palestine the same way we do any other country in the world.”

As for the Biden administration, Hassan said it had done “a few good things” like taking strong action over China’s persecution of Uyghur Muslims, but added: “We’ve been pretty disappointed on the whole.”

She pointed to an immigration policy unveiled in January that limits the right to asylum, and the abandonment of Biden’s pledge to make Saudi Arabia a pariah for the murder of dissident journalist, Jamal Khashoggi. After the Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine caused a spike in oil prices, Biden courted Mohammed bin Salman in an effort to persuade him to raise production, culminating in a fist bump with the Saudi crown prince in July last year.

Hassan said: “This sort of flip-flopping really doesn’t bode well for the sort of commitments that we would hope to see from the administration.”
понедельник, 27 марта 2023
20:12 Chelsea benchmark Man Utd fee in bid to sign top target with Arsenal boss on transfer
Chelsea benchmark Man Utd fee in bid to sign top target with Arsenal boss on transfer

Napoli have set a huge asking price for Victor Osimhen, who could already be playing for Arsenal.

Osimhen is thought to be the top target of a number of Premier League clubs, with Manchester United and Chelsea most frequently linked with his transfer this summer.

The Nigeria international – who moved to Napoli from Lille for £70m in 2020 – has been on fire this season for the runaway Serie A leaders – scoring 25 goals in 29 games in all competitions.

Napoli will offer Osimhen a new contract but are readying themselves for significant interest in the striker.

According to Gazzetta dello Sport, President Aurelio De Laurentiis, won’t sell his star for less than €150m, with the €120m Chelsea paid for Enzo Fernandez in January being used as a yardstick.

The 24-year-old could already by plying his trade in the Premier League if Arsene Wenger had been more persuasive.

In an interview with CentreGoals Osimhen revealed that he had an offer from Arsenal before joining Wolfsburg in 2017.

“I spoke with Arsene Wenger, and he wanted me to come to Arsenal, but it was not the best option at the time,” he said.

Journalist Ben Jacobs told TEAMtalk earlier this month that Chelsea and United are both in the running to sign Osimhen, as well as fellow Serie A striker Dusan Vlahovic.

“Manchester United, first and foremost, are still seriously looking at Victor Osimhen, and it’ll be intriguing to see whether knowing that his dream is the Premier League, Napoli can hang on to him,” Jacobs said.

“Chelsea will also be in the race for Osimhen as well as Dusan Vlahovic, which is another possibility for Manchester United.

“There’s a real opportunity to sign him [Vlahovic] from Juventus as well over the course of the summer because the player has an appetite now to leave and try the Premier League. And of course, before he moved to Juventus from Fiorentina there were strong links and concrete attempts by Arsenal to try and sign Vlahovic.

“So the Premier League has always been an option and Manchester United and Chelsea will be in that conversation as well.”

Chelsea benchmark Man Utd fee in bid to sign top target with Arsenal boss on transfer

Napoli have set a huge asking price for Victor Osimhen, who could already be playing for Arsenal.

Osimhen is thought to be the top target of a number of Premier League clubs, with Manchester United and Chelsea most frequently linked with his transfer this summer.

The Nigeria international – who moved to Napoli from Lille for £70m in 2020 – has been on fire this season for the runaway Serie A leaders – scoring 25 goals in 29 games in all competitions.

Napoli will offer Osimhen a new contract but are readying themselves for significant interest in the striker.

According to Gazzetta dello Sport, President Aurelio De Laurentiis, won’t sell his star for less than €150m, with the €120m Chelsea paid for Enzo Fernandez in January being used as a yardstick.

The 24-year-old could already by plying his trade in the Premier League if Arsene Wenger had been more persuasive.

In an interview with CentreGoals Osimhen revealed that he had an offer from Arsenal before joining Wolfsburg in 2017.

“I spoke with Arsene Wenger, and he wanted me to come to Arsenal, but it was not the best option at the time,” he said.

Journalist Ben Jacobs told TEAMtalk earlier this month that Chelsea and United are both in the running to sign Osimhen, as well as fellow Serie A striker Dusan Vlahovic.

“Manchester United, first and foremost, are still seriously looking at Victor Osimhen, and it’ll be intriguing to see whether knowing that his dream is the Premier League, Napoli can hang on to him,” Jacobs said.

“Chelsea will also be in the race for Osimhen as well as Dusan Vlahovic, which is another possibility for Manchester United.

“There’s a real opportunity to sign him [Vlahovic] from Juventus as well over the course of the summer because the player has an appetite now to leave and try the Premier League. And of course, before he moved to Juventus from Fiorentina there were strong links and concrete attempts by Arsenal to try and sign Vlahovic.

“So the Premier League has always been an option and Manchester United and Chelsea will be in that conversation as well.”

Chelsea benchmark Man Utd fee in bid to sign top target with Arsenal boss on transfer

Napoli have set a huge asking price for Victor Osimhen, who could already be playing for Arsenal.

Osimhen is thought to be the top target of a number of Premier League clubs, with Manchester United and Chelsea most frequently linked with his transfer this summer.

The Nigeria international – who moved to Napoli from Lille for £70m in 2020 – has been on fire this season for the runaway Serie A leaders – scoring 25 goals in 29 games in all competitions.

Napoli will offer Osimhen a new contract but are readying themselves for significant interest in the striker.

According to Gazzetta dello Sport, President Aurelio De Laurentiis, won’t sell his star for less than €150m, with the €120m Chelsea paid for Enzo Fernandez in January being used as a yardstick.

The 24-year-old could already by plying his trade in the Premier League if Arsene Wenger had been more persuasive.

In an interview with CentreGoals Osimhen revealed that he had an offer from Arsenal before joining Wolfsburg in 2017.

“I spoke with Arsene Wenger, and he wanted me to come to Arsenal, but it was not the best option at the time,” he said.

Journalist Ben Jacobs told TEAMtalk earlier this month that Chelsea and United are both in the running to sign Osimhen, as well as fellow Serie A striker Dusan Vlahovic.

“Manchester United, first and foremost, are still seriously looking at Victor Osimhen, and it’ll be intriguing to see whether knowing that his dream is the Premier League, Napoli can hang on to him,” Jacobs said.

“Chelsea will also be in the race for Osimhen as well as Dusan Vlahovic, which is another possibility for Manchester United.

“There’s a real opportunity to sign him [Vlahovic] from Juventus as well over the course of the summer because the player has an appetite now to leave and try the Premier League. And of course, before he moved to Juventus from Fiorentina there were strong links and concrete attempts by Arsenal to try and sign Vlahovic.

“So the Premier League has always been an option and Manchester United and Chelsea will be in that conversation as well.”
00:46 Russia-Ukraine war at a glance: what we know on day 395 of the invasion
Russia-Ukraine war at a glance: what we know on day 395 of the invasion

At least 10 civilians were killed and 20 wounded from long-range Russian bombardments in several parts of Ukraine on Friday, officials said. The casualties included two people who died in heavy Russian shelling of the town of Bilopillia in Sumy province in northern Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelenskiy’s office said.

The United Nations has said it is “deeply concerned” by what it said were summary executions of prisoners of war by both Russian and Ukrainian forces on the battlefield. A new report from the UN’s office of the high commissioner for human rights said its monitors had documented dozens of the executions by both sides, that the actual number was likely higher and that they “may constitute war crimes”.

The Russian former president Dmitry Medvedev said Moscow was readying for a Ukrainian counteroffensive that “everyone knows” Kyiv is preparing for. Medvedev, who is deputy chair of Putin’s powerful security council, warned that Moscow was ready to use “absolutely any weapon” if Ukraine attempted to retake the Crimean peninsula that Russia annexed in 2014.

Russian forces attacked northern and southern stretches of the front in eastern Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region on Friday. Ukrainian military reports described heavy fighting along a line running from Lyman to Kupiansk, as well as in the south at Avdiivka on the outskirts of the Russian-held city of Donetsk.

The US president, Joe Biden, has said he believed China has not sent arms to Russia after its invasion of Ukraine. “I’ve been hearing now for the past three months China is going to provide significant weapons to Russia ... They haven’t yet,” he told a news conference on Friday. “Doesn’t mean they won’t, but they haven’t yet.”
Ukraine claimed Russian forces were “running out of steam” in Bakhmut and its commanders have started to raise the prospect of an unlikely turnaround in the besieged eastern Ukrainian city.

Three women were among at least five people killed after a Russian missile struck one of the “invincibility points” providing refuge and basic services for Ukrainian civilians in the eastern city of Kostiantynivka in the Donetsk region, local officials said. The Russians attacked overnight on Thursday with S-300 anti-aircraft missiles, prosecutors said
Air force commanders from Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark have agreed to create a unified Nordic air defence aimed at countering the rising threat from Russia, they said. 

The intention is to be able to operate jointly based on already known ways of operating under Nato, according to statements by the four countries’ armed forces. The Danish air force commander, Major General Jan Dam, said: “Our combined fleet can be compared to a large European country.”

About 10,000 civilians, many of them elderly and with disabilities, are living in “very dire conditions” in and around Bakhmut, according to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Several thousand civilians are estimated to remain in the city itself and be “spending almost the entire days in intense shelling in the shelters”, the ICRC’s Umar Khan said.

The EU’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, has said the “friendship” between China and Russia has limits, and that Europe should welcome any attempts by Beijing to distance itself from Moscow’s war in Ukraine. He said China “has not crossed any red lines for us”, adding that Beijing’s proposals to end the war showed it did not want to fully align with Russia.
The bodies of 83 Ukrainian soldiers killed fighting in the war have been returned from the Russian side, a Ukrainian official said. Separately, Kyiv said it handed over an undisclosed number of seriously wounded Russian soldiers.

Seven Ukrainian children have been reunited with their families after being forcibly taken to Russian-occupied Crimea, the Kherson regional military administration said.

The security situation around the southern Ukrainian city of Mykolaiv will have to improve before its ports can be included in a deal allowing the safe export of Ukrainian grain, a senior Ukrainian official has said. The deal was extended this month, but Kyiv and Moscow differ over how long the extension will last.

The son of a Russian regional governor who was due to be extradited from Italy to the US has disappeared, according to reports. US authorities have accused Artyom Uss, the son of the governor of the Siberian region of Krasnoyarsk, of illegal oil and weapons trade, money laundering, and sanction violations.
Thank you for joining us from Indonesia.

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суббота, 25 марта 2023
21:35 Loud Environmental Noise Linked to Increased Risk of High Blood Pressure
Loud Road Noise Linked to Increased Risk of High Blood Pressure

Wailing sirens, aggressive horns, the roaring engines of giant diesel trucks — most of us would agree road noise is super annoying, but is it actually harmful to your health? A new study published on March 22 in the journal JACC: Advances found that busy road noise was linked to an increased risk of having high blood pressure, a top risk factor for heart attack and stroke.

Previous studies have found a connection between loud road noise and hypertension, but because noise pollution often comes with air pollution, the impact of noise alone was unclear. This new study was able to control for the health effects of air pollution and the risk for hypertension remained, according to the authors.

“We are a little bit surprised that the association between road traffic noise and hypertension was robust even after adjustment for air pollution,” says lead author Jing Huang, PhD, assistant professor in the department of occupational and environmental health sciences in the School of Public Health at Peking University in Beijing, China.

That being said, the 2021 European Society of Cardiology Guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention has already highlighted that environmental exposures, including above-threshold noise levels, as having the potential to increase heart disease risk, says Dr. Huang.

Nearly Half of U.S. Adults Have High Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is simply a measurement of the pressure of blood pushing against the walls of the arteries. If blood pressure stays high for a long time, it can cause damage to organs, including your heart, brain, kidneys, and eyes.

Nearly half of adults in the United States — 47 percent, or 116 million people — have hypertension, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Hypertension is defined as having a systolic blood pressure greater than 130 millimeters of mercury (mmHg) or a diastolic blood pressure greater than 80 mmHg. If you’re taking medication for hypertension, even if your blood pressure improves, you’d still have a hypertension diagnosis.

The Louder the Road Noise, the Greater the Risk for Hypertension
To carry out this prospective study, researchers analyzed UK Biobank data from nearly 250,000 people, ages 40 to 69, who started the study without hypertension.

Investigators estimated road traffic noise based on residential address and the Common Noise Assessment Method, a modeling tool developed by the European Commission.

After following participants for a median of 8.1 years, the investigators found that more than 21,000 developed high blood pressure. Researchers found that people living near road traffic noise were more likely to develop hypertension. They also found what’s called a “dose-dependent relationship” — the greater the amount of road noise, the greater the risk.

“This is an interesting study because it is looking into a relationship that we typically don’t think of when thinking about high blood pressure, which is the impact of noise level and air pollution on high blood pressure,” says Jim Liu, MD, a cardiologist at The Ohio State University in Columbus, who was not involved in this research.

“In theory, this relationship could make sense, since increased noise or pollution could increase stress on the body and cause elevations in blood pressure. Long-term noise stimulation could cause increased stress on the body,” he says.

Anything that triggers stress on the body could affect blood pressure by causing various physiologic changes, such as sympathetic nervous activation, increasing inflammation, or fluctuations in adrenal gland hormones, says Dr. Liu.

People Exposed to Both Air Pollution and Traffic Noise Had the Highest Hypertension Risk
These associations held true even when researchers adjusted for exposure to air pollutants, including fine particles and nitrogen dioxide. The participants who had high exposure to both traffic noise and air pollution had the highest risk for high blood pressure, showing that air pollution plays a role as well, according to the authors.

Air pollution caused nine million deaths worldwide in 2019, according to the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study, published in The Lancet in 2020, and an estimated 3 out of 5 of those deaths were due to cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke.

Particulate matter levels (a measure of the amount of tiny pieces of matter such as dust or smoke) are linked to the risk of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke, as well as cardiovascular risk factors, including hypertension and diabetes, according to a meta-analysis published in November 2021 in The New England Journal of Medicine.

Ewen Chao, MD, an otologist (or specialized ear doctor) at Stony Brook Medicine in New York, agrees that the findings are interesting and that the study, “does a good job of trying to isolate the effects of traffic noise from other factors. While the effect is small, this paper certainly is a strong addition to a growing literature of studies that supports the correlation of noise and its effects on the cardiovascular system.”

Many Variables That Estimate Noise Exposure Are Hard to Measure
There are some limitations to the study, which the authors acknowledge, says Dr. Chao. “It uses a model based on the individual's home address to estimate the noise pollution, which unfortunately cannot account for many variables such as how much time the person actually spends at the home address, and so it cannot precisely measure the true amount of noise exposure,” she says.

It's also worth noting that the noise level was only assessed at the beginning and not the rest of the eight-year follow up period, says Liu. “Also, the noise level measured was outdoor noise level and may not necessarily reflect indoor noise level,” he says.

These findings could be used to support public health measures because they confirm that exposure to road traffic noise is harmful to our blood pressure, according to the authors.

Further studies are still needed to continue exploring the underlying mechanisms in the body that could be behind the relationship between road traffic noise exposure and hypertension in the presence of air pollutants, says Huang.

How Can I Drown Out Road Traffic Noise?
Doing things to minimize noise traffic could help reduce the health effects of road noise, especially if the noise is severe enough and particularly bothersome to the individual, says Liu.

“Noise prevention is very doable, and can include moving away from the noise, turning down the volume of the noise, or blocking the noise, for example, by increasing noise insulation materials, or by wearing hearing protection,” says Chao.

Hearing protection can include earplugs or earmuffs, she says. “It is important to find a device that has a good fit in or on the ear. It is also important to look at the noise reduction rating (NRR) [defined at Custom Protect Ear] on a given piece of equipment. A higher NRR will block more sound,” she says.

Some electronically powered devices also offer active noise cancellation, says Chao. Sound waves travel through the air and into your ear canal, where they vibrate your eardrum. Active noise cancellation works by creating an opposing sound wave to negate sounds, she explains.

“Noise machines (noise masking) would be less likely to help, as it would only add to the overall volume of noise exposure,” says Chao.
09:59 Shocking Facts About Womens Suffrage We Werent Taught in School
Shocking Facts About Womens Suffrage We Werent Taught in School

One of the fundamental rights we have as human beings is to vote, which underlines just how important the public is in decision-making in government.

However, this wasn’t always the case – at least for women. The road to getting that opportunity wasn’t smooth as well, and there’s definitely a lot of visionaries we should be thankful for because they fought long and hard to make sure that electing the right people they deem fit would be possible for everyone, men and women alike.

Myths Surrounding Women’s Suffrage

Those who have studied history may not find the abovementioned facts interesting, however, not everything we read that is based on what allegedly went down in history is true.

There are common misconceptions that up until now are taught in schools, proving that we may have relied on myths all the while, which was what was shown in the “Votes for Women: A Portrait of Persistence,” an exhibition in Smithsonian Gallery that bares the chaotic moments on the road to success.

Seneca Convention as the Start of the Movement
We’ve always learned that the 1848 meeting in Seneca Falls, New York was monumental, with many people believing that it began the movement, however, Carnegie Mellon University associate professor Lisa Tetrault begged to differ.

The scholar further contends that the event, albeit significant for demanding the right to vote for women in the United States, wasn’t to be credited for the launch of the Suffrage movement.

To back her claims up, the author of “The Myth of Seneca Falls: Memory and the Women’s Suffrage Movement, 1848-1898” said that attendees didn’t give any special importance to it and no one saw the convention as the start of the movement.

Then how did Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who is considered the principal philosopher of the movement, and her recruit Susan B. Anthony become the leaders of this?

Tetrault argues that the cohort constructed the legend to push their positions as the pioneers of the movement.

The author further narrated that Susan wasn’t even at the 1848 convention, but news reports said otherwise.

What cemented their founding titles was the “History of Woman Suffrage,” which noticeably missed out on African-American women.

Not all women were in good terms during the time, which was evident during the 1869 American Equal Rights Association meeting where Elizabeth left a very controversial message condemning the possibility that white women would fall inferior to black men who used to be slaves.

Historian Martha S. Jones noted that the supposed suffragist leader was clearly going against the 15th Amendment.

This resulted in two groups of white women: the National Woman Suffrage Association led by Elizabeth and Susan, and the American Woman Suffrage Association of Lucy Stone.

By 1890s the National Association of Colored Women was formed by Mary Church Terrell and Ida B. Wells. Elizabeth and Susan, meanwhile, got funding from George Francis Train, which may have disdained their image throughout.

However, Kate Clarke Lemay, the exhibition curator, believes the duo had to make a tough decision because they were left with no choice. Either they accept the money or the movement will be no more.

Shocking Facts About Womens Suffrage We Werent Taught in School

One of the fundamental rights we have as human beings is to vote, which underlines just how important the public is in decision-making in government.

However, this wasn’t always the case – at least for women. The road to getting that opportunity wasn’t smooth as well, and there’s definitely a lot of visionaries we should be thankful for because they fought long and hard to make sure that electing the right people they deem fit would be possible for everyone, men and women alike.

Myths Surrounding Women’s Suffrage

Those who have studied history may not find the abovementioned facts interesting, however, not everything we read that is based on what allegedly went down in history is true.

There are common misconceptions that up until now are taught in schools, proving that we may have relied on myths all the while, which was what was shown in the “Votes for Women: A Portrait of Persistence,” an exhibition in Smithsonian Gallery that bares the chaotic moments on the road to success.

Seneca Convention as the Start of the Movement
We’ve always learned that the 1848 meeting in Seneca Falls, New York was monumental, with many people believing that it began the movement, however, Carnegie Mellon University associate professor Lisa Tetrault begged to differ.

The scholar further contends that the event, albeit significant for demanding the right to vote for women in the United States, wasn’t to be credited for the launch of the Suffrage movement.

To back her claims up, the author of “The Myth of Seneca Falls: Memory and the Women’s Suffrage Movement, 1848-1898” said that attendees didn’t give any special importance to it and no one saw the convention as the start of the movement.

Then how did Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who is considered the principal philosopher of the movement, and her recruit Susan B. Anthony become the leaders of this?

Tetrault argues that the cohort constructed the legend to push their positions as the pioneers of the movement.

The author further narrated that Susan wasn’t even at the 1848 convention, but news reports said otherwise.

What cemented their founding titles was the “History of Woman Suffrage,” which noticeably missed out on African-American women.

Not all women were in good terms during the time, which was evident during the 1869 American Equal Rights Association meeting where Elizabeth left a very controversial message condemning the possibility that white women would fall inferior to black men who used to be slaves.

Historian Martha S. Jones noted that the supposed suffragist leader was clearly going against the 15th Amendment.

This resulted in two groups of white women: the National Woman Suffrage Association led by Elizabeth and Susan, and the American Woman Suffrage Association of Lucy Stone.

By 1890s the National Association of Colored Women was formed by Mary Church Terrell and Ida B. Wells. Elizabeth and Susan, meanwhile, got funding from George Francis Train, which may have disdained their image throughout.

However, Kate Clarke Lemay, the exhibition curator, believes the duo had to make a tough decision because they were left with no choice. Either they accept the money or the movement will be no more.
четверг, 23 марта 2023
22:00 Libido Supplements for Sex  Do They Work?
Libido Supplements for Sex — Do They Work?

If you're experiencing a sluggish libido, difficulty getting an erection or orgasming, or other sexual dysfunction, you may be tempted to try a natural approach — after all, some herbal remedies have been used for thousands of years. But before you start taking any supplements that promise to rev up your sex drive, you should know their limitations and potential risks.

First, there is no magic pill that will make your sex life amazing. Supplements or herbs won’t provide instant arousal, orgasms, or erections. “There’s not one libido supplement I recommend” for that purpose, says Ellen Barnard, a certified sex educator at A Woman's Touch Sexuality Resource Center in Madison, Wisconsin.

Still, supplements that support underlying health when taken over time might improve your sex life, Barnard says, in the same way that exercise or a healthy diet do. Before turning to any pills, natural or not, Barnard suggests looking at all the things you need to function well sexually. Is it more passion, more talking, or more connecting with your partner?

Many herbs are marketed as sex enhancers, but the evidence behind these claims is extremely thin, says Ikhlas Khan, PhD, the director of the National Center for Natural Products Research at the University of Mississippi. Dr. Khan coauthored a review of supplements marketed for women’s sexuality in a paper published in April 2020 in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology. The review concluded that there are no high-quality studies proving their effectiveness for women’s libido. “There are so many more questions than answers,” he says.

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try any supplements to potentially help your sex life, but “you should be educated as much as you can before you do,” Khan says.

Especially if you take other medications, tell your physician about any herbs you plan to try. Some supplements can interfere with prescribed medications. Women who are pregnant or nursing should be especially cautious.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate herbs, vitamins, and supplements the way it regulates pharmaceuticals. That means you can’t believe whatever the product promises, since these claims don’t have to be proven the way a medication's do.

If you are experiencing sexual dysfunction — such as orgasm difficulties, erectile dysfunction, vaginal pain, low libido, and the like — it’s best to speak to a physician or sex therapist. There may be treatments that have a more proven track record than you’ll find in any vitamin shop.

How Do Libido Supplements Measure Up?
Walk into any pharmacy or health food store and you’ll find shelves lined with teas and products promising to heat up your sex life in a natural way. Most of these supplements have side effects, and many lack complete ingredient information on the packaging, such as how much of a particular herb is in one pill and where the herbs are sourced. This makes it even harder to evaluate them.

Among the many products claiming to correct sexual dysfunction, here are some of the most popular.

Naturally produced by the body as a semi-essential amino acid, L-arginine works by dilating and relaxing blood vessels, which is why proponents claim it can help treat erectile dysfunction (ED). According to a review published in 2021 in the journal Pharmacy, L-arginine used in combination with supplements such as Lady Prelox may help women with sexual dysfunction, but more research is needed.

According to the MedlinePlus, 2.5 to 5 grams (g) of L-arginine by mouth daily may “possibly” improve sexual function in people with ED. It notes that the supplement might work best when taken along with a proven medication such as Viagra, where it may enhance the effects. But if you prefer to get your nutrients from whole foods rather than supplements, watermelon contains an amino acid that the body naturally converts to arginine. Arginine levels rose by 22 percent when watermelon was consumed daily, according to a study in the journal Nutrition.

Possible risks and side effects of L-arginine include:

Low blood pressure
Gastrointestinal upset — stomach pain, bloating, diarrhea
Heart issues, especially after a heart attack
High potassium levels in people with kidney disease
This herb comes from an evergreen tree native to parts of Africa. A compound in the bark, called yohimbine, has traditionally been used to enhance sexuality in men, Khan says. Yohimbe appears to have some benefit on male erectile function when combined with the supplement L-arginine or with prescription medications, says a meta-analysis published in 2021 in the Turkish Journal of Urology. No evidence exists to determine if it benefits female sexual function.

A number of serious risks have been associated with yohimbe, according to the National Institute of Health’s National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, including:

Heart attacks and seizures
Rapid heart rate
Increased blood pressure
Ginkgo is one of the oldest living tree species in the world, and it has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine for everything from bladder disorders to dementia. Formally known as ginkgo biloba, it’s promoted as a way to help with premature ejaculation and decreased libido.

A systematic review of five studies by Iranian researchers published in 2021 in the Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine found the herb may have positive effects on sexual function in post-menopausal women, likely by increasing blood flow to the genitals, but there is no evidence it helps anyone else.

In a study published in July 2022 in Current Issues in Molecular Biology, researchers found no consistent benefit of ginkgo biloba in three randomized controlled trials when compared with placebo.

Khan’s review cites several small studies testing ginkgo to improve sexual dysfunction in women who were taking antibiotics, a drug that can blunt arousal, but did not find it was effective, including one study of 37 women published in Human Psychopharmacology in 2002.

Ginkgo leaf extracts are relatively safe when taken in moderate amounts, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) observes. Most studies on the herb use 120 to 240 milligrams (mg) taken daily in divided doses, according to Mount Sinai Medical Centers.

Still, there are potential side effects when taking ginkgo, including:

Skin rash
Upset stomach and constipation
Heart palpitations
Bleeding in those with a known bleeding risk
The root of the ginseng plant has been used in Eastern medicine for thousands of years. Rather than act on one specific part of the body, ginseng is believed to boost energy and act as a tonic that can revitalize a person’s overall functioning, notes the American Botanical Council, a nonprofit organization that educates people about herbs.

Khan’s study cites positive results from several small studies evaluating the herb’s effects on the symptoms and sexuality of women in menopause. In one, 62 women received either 500 mg of the herb or a placebo and after a month those taking the ginseng reported fewer bothersome menopausal symptoms and enhanced sexual function, according to results published in Complementary Therapies in Medicine in August 2019.

In a larger review published in 2022 in the journal Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, researchers looked at three separate studies and found that ginseng didn’t produce a positive effect on women’s sexual function.

Possible risks and side effects of ginseng include:

Insomnia (the biggest complaint, according to the NIH)
Digestive problems
Menstrual problems and breast pain
Increased heart rate
High or low blood pressure
Kava traces its heritage to the South Pacific, where its root has long been used to make an intoxicating ceremonial beverage, similar to the role alcohol plays in the West. According to the American Botanical Council, these cultures use the herb to induce relaxation and sleep, especially for people with anxiety, to treat urinary tract conditions, and more.

It has also been associated with better sex, likely due to its effect on anxiety. In one small study published in Phytotherapy Research in 2013, when researchers gave kava supplements or placebo to people with anxiety, they found that women who took it had increased sex drive. They also observed that people whose anxiety decreased also reported the greatest improved sexual function and performance.

On the other hand, kava has been associated with significant liver damage that, according to the NIH, has sometimes been serious or fatal.

Other side effects of kava include:

Drowsiness or dizziness (driving or operating machinery after taking kava is not recommended)
Digestive upset
Dry, flaky skin
This clover-like herb is native to parts of Europe and Africa, where its phytoestrogen-rich seeds, which have the same benefits as women’s hormones, are used as an ingredient in spice blends. (The seeds’ extract is also available in capsules and powders.) Khan’s paper notes that it has been used in Arab cultures “for all female issues.”

One small study published in 2015 in Phytotherapy Research found increased sexual desire and arousal in women who took the supplement compared with the control group. But a review published in the Journal of Herbmed Pharmacology showed mixed results with fenugreek in menopausal women who had sexual dysfunction. As Khan’s paper notes, much more evidence is needed before fenugreek can be considered an effective aphrodisiac.

Side effects of fenugreek include:

Diarrhea and nausea
Drop in blood sugar (when taken in large doses)
Allergic reactions such as hives anywhere on the body, or a tingling or itchy feeling in the mouth
15:03 Canada scientists create new method to break down toxic forever chemicals
Canada scientists create new method to break down toxic forever chemicals

Researchers at a Canadian university have made a breakthrough they hope will dramatically shorten the lifespan of the thousands of toxic “forever chemicals” that persist in clothing, household items and the environment.

Scientists at the University of British Columbia announced on Wednesday that they had developed a new silica-based material with ability to absorb a wider range of the harmful chemicals, and new tools to break them apart them.

“This is very exciting because we can target these difficult-to-break chemical bonds – and break them for good,” said researcher Madjid Mohseni, who focuses on water quality and water treatment.

The chemicals, also known as PFAS (per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances) are used for non-stick or stain-resistant surfaces, including clothing, cookware, stain repellents and firefighting foam. But they are also notoriously difficult to break down naturally, giving them the name “forever chemicals”.

In recent years, scientists have found the chemicals, which were once assumed to be harmless, are also linked to elevated cholesterol, hormonal disruption, infertility, cardiovascular disease and cancers.

“They attach to the proteins in our blood and can accumulate in our bodies, particularly in the liver and the kidneys. And the older you are, the more PFAS you have in your body,” said Amira Aker, a postdoctoral researcher at the Université Laval who was not involved in the UBC research. “And we can also pass the chemicals to a growing fetus and so even newborn babies have PFAS in their bodies from the moment they are born.”

While Canada has joined other nations in banning the manufacture of the chemicals, they are still found in household appliances and cosmetics and when discarded, can leach into the environment.

“We still don’t actually know how long some of these PFAS compounds will take to break down because they want to create it back in the 1940s and they still exist within the environment,” said Aker.

Current technologies often use activated carbon to filter out the chemicals, but are largely only able to target what researchers call the “long-chain” versions of PFAS – those with more than six carbon bonds. Following recent bans, however, industry has shifted to creating ‘short chain’ iterations of the chemical.

Those versions “are equally as toxic and they stay in the water better. And as a result, current technologies like activated carbon really aren’t as effective,” said Mohseni.

Most household water filters use activated carbon – and as a result, miss a wide range of possibly harmful chemicals.

His team also found that the current filters concentrate the absorbed chemicals, creating a “highly toxic” form of waste that consumers throw into the garbage.

Such filters “ are not addressing the problem. We’re just temporarily fixing it and letting those chemicals stay in the environment,” he said.

To combat the deficiencies in combatting PFAS, the team has developed a new silicate absorbing material that captures a far wider range of chemicals. The thin material can also be reused repeatedly.

To destroy the chemicals, Mohseni says researchers use either electrochemical or photochemical processes to break the carbon-fluorine bond. The team first published their findings in the journal Chemosphere.

Mohseni envisions the technology being used to combat the chemicals, both in drinking water, as government agencies bring higher standards in, as well as at industrial sites where high concentrations of the chemicals are released into water supplies.

Two months ago, researchers at UBC announced they discovered that they had found high levelsof the chemical 4-nonylphenol, or 4NP, in endangered southern resident killer whales. 4NP is often used in pulp and paper processing but is also found in soap, detergents and textile processing.

With little study into its effects on marine mammals, 4NP is known as a “contaminant of emerging concern”. Because killer whales, or orcas, sit atop the food chain, they often ingest smaller organisms tainted with the chemical – a phenomenon known as biomagnification, making orcas among the most contaminated cetaceans in the world.

Researchers also studied the transfer of pollutants from mother to foetus in one pair of southern resident killer whales, finding most of the pollutants were transferred in the womb and that nearly 95% of 4NP was transferred from mother to foetus.

Mohensi’s team is already operating a pilot project to test the real-world effectiveness of their technology , and plans to start another in April in British Columbia, with the possibility of a third in Quebec.

But Aker cautioned widespread adoption will be difficult.

“Newer technologies are often costly or difficult to scale. Even if they’re not, it’s still hell trying to get cities to adopt these new technologies in order to remove these chemicals in the first place,” she said.

And until more governments act, the widespread nature of the chemicals make them impossible to avoid, said Mohseni.

“One way to fix that is to do what we’ve done,” he said. “The other way to fix this, and this would be exciting, is for industry not to use the chemicals any more.”

A new year means new opportunities, and we're hoping this year gives rise to some much-needed stability and progress. Whatever happens, the Guardian will be there, providing clarity and fearless, independent reporting from around the world, 24/7. 

Times are tough, and we know not everyone is in a position to pay for news. But as we’re reader-funded, we rely on the ongoing generosity of those who can afford it. This vital support means millions can continue to read reliable reporting on the events shaping our world. Will you invest in the Guardian this year?

Unlike many others, we have no billionaire owner, meaning we can fearlessly chase the truth and report it with integrity. 2023 will be no different; we will work with trademark determination and passion to bring you journalism that’s always free from commercial or political interference. No one edits our editor or diverts our attention from what’s most important. 

With your support, we’ll continue to keep Guardian journalism open and free for everyone to read. When access to information is made equal, greater numbers of people can understand global events and their impact on people and communities. Together, we can demand better from the powerful and fight for democracy.

Whether you give a little or a lot, your funding is vital in powering our reporting for years to come.
среда, 22 марта 2023
22:22 These 3 Celebrities Are Mysteriously Absent From Social Media
These 3 Celebrities Are Mysteriously Absent From Social Media for Surprising Reasons

The immense power of social media is immeasurable — just one post can go a long way: from raising funds for those in need to earning huge sums of money to disseminating important and useless information and to bragging off what you have. It is one of the greatest or perhaps the worst contributions of humanity.

Nowadays, almost everyone favors using this platform — even the secretive Joe from Netflix’s You had to create his profile to secretly stalk his crush.

However, not everyone is a big fan of this, in fact, as ironic as it sounds, there are celebrities who prefer to stay under the radar by not giving in to the temptation of social media:

1. Benedict Cumberbatch
The Sherlock Holmes star is undeniably one of the greatest and most sought-after stars of today but despite the many films he has starred in, you wouldn’t see him on social media.

Well, you may have come across several accounts dedicated to him but these are all fan-controlled because years ago, he made it clear that he had no plans of signing up for the sites.

Benedict Cumberbatch explained that he would rather focus on his craft rather than spend time on social media, which he described as toxic. Looks like we won’t be seeing the Doctor Strange actor on the internet anytime soon.

2. Kate Winslet
You must be living under a rock if you haven’t heard of Kate Winslet — remember Rose in Titanic? That’s her.

An actress of that magnitude, you would imagine her to have official accounts where she can connect with her supposed-to-be millions of followers.

Sad to say she steers clear of social media because she believes it is a damaging place for a girl because of the unrealistic beauty standards placed on everyone — in fact, she doesn’t let her kids wander over the internet because she’s afraid it could hurt their self-esteem.

3. Scarlett Johansson
The Avengers actress is not afraid of missing out on what’s happening around her so she doesn’t care about not having Twitter or Facebook accounts. Scarlett Johansson explained that it’s all about privacy for her.

Sharing what you’re having for breakfast or where you are vacationing may seem normal for social media geeks but for the Black Widow star, these are all strange.

Celebrities have long been finding ways to prevent overeager fans from invading their personal lives so ScarJo’s decision to skip out on the trend is quite understandable.

These 3 Celebrities Are Mysteriously Absent From Social Media for Surprising Reasons

The immense power of social media is immeasurable — just one post can go a long way: from raising funds for those in need to earning huge sums of money to disseminating important and useless information and to bragging off what you have. It is one of the greatest or perhaps the worst contributions of humanity.

Nowadays, almost everyone favors using this platform — even the secretive Joe from Netflix’s You had to create his profile to secretly stalk his crush.

However, not everyone is a big fan of this, in fact, as ironic as it sounds, there are celebrities who prefer to stay under the radar by not giving in to the temptation of social media:

1. Benedict Cumberbatch
The Sherlock Holmes star is undeniably one of the greatest and most sought-after stars of today but despite the many films he has starred in, you wouldn’t see him on social media.

Well, you may have come across several accounts dedicated to him but these are all fan-controlled because years ago, he made it clear that he had no plans of signing up for the sites.

Benedict Cumberbatch explained that he would rather focus on his craft rather than spend time on social media, which he described as toxic. Looks like we won’t be seeing the Doctor Strange actor on the internet anytime soon.

2. Kate Winslet
You must be living under a rock if you haven’t heard of Kate Winslet — remember Rose in Titanic? That’s her.

An actress of that magnitude, you would imagine her to have official accounts where she can connect with her supposed-to-be millions of followers.

Sad to say she steers clear of social media because she believes it is a damaging place for a girl because of the unrealistic beauty standards placed on everyone — in fact, she doesn’t let her kids wander over the internet because she’s afraid it could hurt their self-esteem.

3. Scarlett Johansson
The Avengers actress is not afraid of missing out on what’s happening around her so she doesn’t care about not having Twitter or Facebook accounts. Scarlett Johansson explained that it’s all about privacy for her.

Sharing what you’re having for breakfast or where you are vacationing may seem normal for social media geeks but for the Black Widow star, these are all strange.

Celebrities have long been finding ways to prevent overeager fans from invading their personal lives so ScarJo’s decision to skip out on the trend is quite understandable.These 3 Celebrities Are Mysteriously Absent From Social Media for Surprising Reasons

The immense power of social media is immeasurable — just one post can go a long way: from raising funds for those in need to earning huge sums of money to disseminating important and useless information and to bragging off what you have. It is one of the greatest or perhaps the worst contributions of humanity.

Nowadays, almost everyone favors using this platform — even the secretive Joe from Netflix’s You had to create his profile to secretly stalk his crush.

However, not everyone is a big fan of this, in fact, as ironic as it sounds, there are celebrities who prefer to stay under the radar by not giving in to the temptation of social media:

1. Benedict Cumberbatch
The Sherlock Holmes star is undeniably one of the greatest and most sought-after stars of today but despite the many films he has starred in, you wouldn’t see him on social media.

Well, you may have come across several accounts dedicated to him but these are all fan-controlled because years ago, he made it clear that he had no plans of signing up for the sites.

Benedict Cumberbatch explained that he would rather focus on his craft rather than spend time on social media, which he described as toxic. Looks like we won’t be seeing the Doctor Strange actor on the internet anytime soon.

2. Kate Winslet
You must be living under a rock if you haven’t heard of Kate Winslet — remember Rose in Titanic? That’s her.

An actress of that magnitude, you would imagine her to have official accounts where she can connect with her supposed-to-be millions of followers.

Sad to say she steers clear of social media because she believes it is a damaging place for a girl because of the unrealistic beauty standards placed on everyone — in fact, she doesn’t let her kids wander over the internet because she’s afraid it could hurt their self-esteem.

3. Scarlett Johansson
The Avengers actress is not afraid of missing out on what’s happening around her so she doesn’t care about not having Twitter or Facebook accounts. Scarlett Johansson explained that it’s all about privacy for her.

Sharing what you’re having for breakfast or where you are vacationing may seem normal for social media geeks but for the Black Widow star, these are all strange.

Celebrities have long been finding ways to prevent overeager fans from invading their personal lives so ScarJo’s decision to skip out on the trend is quite understandable.

These 3 Celebrities Are Mysteriously Absent From Social Media for Surprising Reasons

The immense power of social media is immeasurable — just one post can go a long way: from raising funds for those in need to earning huge sums of money to disseminating important and useless information and to bragging off what you have. It is one of the greatest or perhaps the worst contributions of humanity.

Nowadays, almost everyone favors using this platform — even the secretive Joe from Netflix’s You had to create his profile to secretly stalk his crush.

However, not everyone is a big fan of this, in fact, as ironic as it sounds, there are celebrities who prefer to stay under the radar by not giving in to the temptation of social media:

1. Benedict Cumberbatch
The Sherlock Holmes star is undeniably one of the greatest and most sought-after stars of today but despite the many films he has starred in, you wouldn’t see him on social media.

Well, you may have come across several accounts dedicated to him but these are all fan-controlled because years ago, he made it clear that he had no plans of signing up for the sites.

Benedict Cumberbatch explained that he would rather focus on his craft rather than spend time on social media, which he described as toxic. Looks like we won’t be seeing the Doctor Strange actor on the internet anytime soon.

2. Kate Winslet
You must be living under a rock if you haven’t heard of Kate Winslet — remember Rose in Titanic? That’s her.

An actress of that magnitude, you would imagine her to have official accounts where she can connect with her supposed-to-be millions of followers.

Sad to say she steers clear of social media because she believes it is a damaging place for a girl because of the unrealistic beauty standards placed on everyone — in fact, she doesn’t let her kids wander over the internet because she’s afraid it could hurt their self-esteem.

3. Scarlett Johansson
The Avengers actress is not afraid of missing out on what’s happening around her so she doesn’t care about not having Twitter or Facebook accounts. Scarlett Johansson explained that it’s all about privacy for her.

Sharing what you’re having for breakfast or where you are vacationing may seem normal for social media geeks but for the Black Widow star, these are all strange.

Celebrities have long been finding ways to prevent overeager fans from invading their personal lives so ScarJo’s decision to skip out on the trend is quite understandable.
вторник, 21 марта 2023
19:05 Ramadan 2023 en Barcelona: comidas populares y actividades abiertas a la ciudadania

- Ramadan 2023 en Barcelona: comidas populares y actividades abiertas a la ciudadanía

Este año, el Ramadán se celebra a partir del jueves 23 de marzo y durará hasta el viernes 21 de abril

Este año 2023, el Ramadán se celebra a partir del jueves 23 de marzo y durará hasta el viernes 21 de abril. Durante este período, las personas musulmanas se levantan antes de la salida del sol para desayunar, antes de iniciar el ayuno ('suhûr'), que no rompen hasta después de la puesta del sol. Es entonces cuando tiene lugar el 'iftâr', una comida nocturna que se lleva a cabo en familia; aunque en Barcelona también se celebran algunos 'iftâr' populares abiertos al barrio.

A continuación te explicamos cuáles son los 'iftâr' populares que se celebrarán en Barcelona durante el Ramadán 2023, por distritos.

Los peregrinos rezan en la Gran Mezquita durante el mes musulmán del Ramadán, en la ciudad santa de La Meca (Arabia Saudí;).
¿Qué es el Ramadán y por qué se celebra?
Ciutat Vella
1 de abril a las 20.15 h: en la rambla del Raval. Organiza el Centro islámico Minhaj al-Qur’ân
12 de abril a las 20.30 h: en el Casal de Barrio Pou de la Figuera. Organiza la Comunidad Musulmana Assafa
13 d’abril a las 20.30 h: en la rambla del Raval. Organiza el Grupo Interreligioso del Raval
Sant Andreu
15 de abril a las 19.30 h: en la Losa del metro Trinitat Vella (via Barcino). Iftâr popular «Amb tú, trenquem el dejuni». Organiza la Comunidad islámica Amics de la Mesquita de la Pau, la Associació Cultural de ls Musulmans Africans de Barcelona y el Servei d’Interculturalitat de Sant Andreu
Sant Martí
25 de marzo, a las 18.00 h: 'Iftâr' juvenil en el Institut Barri Besòs. Para jóvenes de 12 a 35 años
14 d’abril, de 18.00 a 22.00 h, 'Iftâr' popular en el patio de la Escuela Concepció Arenal. Organiza C.A. Kanam
Noticias relacionadas
Catalunya, la primera comunidad que regulará la fiesta musulmana del cordero
Transgénero musulmana: "A Alá no le importa tu identidad sexual"
Al día siguiente del último día de Ramadán, se celebra la Fiesta de Ruptura del Ayuno o 'Îd al-fitr', que marca del final del ayuno del Ramadán. Es un día en que la comunidad musulmana se reúne a primera hora de la mañana para realizar una plegaria y después se reúnen con sus seres queridos, en unos encuentros en los que la comida también tienen su protagonismo. Este día también es habitual estrenar ropa nueva y entregar regalos y dulces a familiares y amigos.

En Barcelona, algunas comunidades musulmanas de la ciudad celebran 'Îd al-fitr' en equipamientos o en la vía pública. Se celebrarán el 21 o 22 de abril de 7.00 a 9.00 h en los siguientes lugares:

Ciutat Vella
Patio del Museu de Ciències Naturals. Organiza la Comunitat Musulmana Assafa y Mezquita Abi Ayub Alansari
Pista de Sant Rafael. Organiza la Mezquita Rei Jalal de Bangladesh (Baba Jalal Shah)
Rambla del Raval. Organiza la Lotifia Fultoli-Asociación Cultural Anjumane Alislah Lotifia
Plaza dels Àngels. Organiza la Asociación Barcelona Muslim Centre
Nou Barris
Parque del Aqüeducte. Organiza la Mezquita Madani – World Islamic Mission
Sede del distrito de Nou Barris. Organitza la Comunitat Islàmica de Nou Barris
Sant Martí
Parque del Clot. Organiza el Centre Cultural Islàmic Català y Mesquita Hamza
Parque del Fòrum. Organiza la Mezquita Abu Bakr Sadique

Ramadan 2023 en Barcelona: comidas populares y actividades abiertas a la ciudadanía

Este año, el Ramadán se celebra a partir del jueves 23 de marzo y durará hasta el viernes 21 de abril

Este año 2023, el Ramadán se celebra a partir del jueves 23 de marzo y durará hasta el viernes 21 de abril. Durante este período, las personas musulmanas se levantan antes de la salida del sol para desayunar, antes de iniciar el ayuno ('suhûr'), que no rompen hasta después de la puesta del sol. Es entonces cuando tiene lugar el 'iftâr', una comida nocturna que se lleva a cabo en familia; aunque en Barcelona también se celebran algunos 'iftâr' populares abiertos al barrio.

A continuación te explicamos cuáles son los 'iftâr' populares que se celebrarán en Barcelona durante el Ramadán 2023, por distritos.

Los peregrinos rezan en la Gran Mezquita durante el mes musulmán del Ramadán, en la ciudad santa de La Meca (Arabia Saudí;).
¿Qué es el Ramadán y por qué se celebra?
Ciutat Vella
1 de abril a las 20.15 h: en la rambla del Raval. Organiza el Centro islámico Minhaj al-Qur’ân
12 de abril a las 20.30 h: en el Casal de Barrio Pou de la Figuera. Organiza la Comunidad Musulmana Assafa
13 d’abril a las 20.30 h: en la rambla del Raval. Organiza el Grupo Interreligioso del Raval
Sant Andreu
15 de abril a las 19.30 h: en la Losa del metro Trinitat Vella (via Barcino). Iftâr popular «Amb tú, trenquem el dejuni». Organiza la Comunidad islámica Amics de la Mesquita de la Pau, la Associació Cultural de ls Musulmans Africans de Barcelona y el Servei d’Interculturalitat de Sant Andreu
Sant Martí
25 de marzo, a las 18.00 h: 'Iftâr' juvenil en el Institut Barri Besòs. Para jóvenes de 12 a 35 años
14 d’abril, de 18.00 a 22.00 h, 'Iftâr' popular en el patio de la Escuela Concepció Arenal. Organiza C.A. Kanam
Noticias relacionadas
Catalunya, la primera comunidad que regulará la fiesta musulmana del cordero
Transgénero musulmana: "A Alá no le importa tu identidad sexual"
Al día siguiente del último día de Ramadán, se celebra la Fiesta de Ruptura del Ayuno o 'Îd al-fitr', que marca del final del ayuno del Ramadán. Es un día en que la comunidad musulmana se reúne a primera hora de la mañana para realizar una plegaria y después se reúnen con sus seres queridos, en unos encuentros en los que la comida también tienen su protagonismo. Este día también es habitual estrenar ropa nueva y entregar regalos y dulces a familiares y amigos.

En Barcelona, algunas comunidades musulmanas de la ciudad celebran 'Îd al-fitr' en equipamientos o en la vía pública. Se celebrarán el 21 o 22 de abril de 7.00 a 9.00 h en los siguientes lugares:

Ciutat Vella
Patio del Museu de Ciències Naturals. Organiza la Comunitat Musulmana Assafa y Mezquita Abi Ayub Alansari
Pista de Sant Rafael. Organiza la Mezquita Rei Jalal de Bangladesh (Baba Jalal Shah)
Rambla del Raval. Organiza la Lotifia Fultoli-Asociación Cultural Anjumane Alislah Lotifia
Plaza dels Àngels. Organiza la Asociación Barcelona Muslim Centre
Nou Barris
Parque del Aqüeducte. Organiza la Mezquita Madani – World Islamic Mission
Sede del distrito de Nou Barris. Organitza la Comunitat Islàmica de Nou Barris
Sant Martí
Parque del Clot. Organiza el Centre Cultural Islàmic Català y Mesquita Hamza
Parque del Fòrum. Organiza la Mezquita Abu Bakr Sadique

понедельник, 20 марта 2023
23:12 Virus outbreak in West Bengal leaves 19 children dead
Virus outbreak in West Bengal leaves 19 children dead and thousands in hospital

Nineteen children have died of acute respiratory infections in West Bengal this year, and thousands more are in hospital as India grapples with an adenovirus outbreak.

More than 12,000 cases of adenovirus have been recorded in the state since January. More than 3,000 children have been admitted to hospital with severe flu-like symptoms.

The Association of Health Service Doctors warns that the numbers of deaths and cases are likely to be much higher than official statistics. Local media reports put the death toll at more than 100 children. The state’s healthcare system is struggling to cope. Some hospitals have said their paediatric wards are full, and there are reports of children having to share hospital beds.

Adenoviruses can cause respiratory, eye and stomach infections. Health officials say two mutated adenovirus strains are responsible for the number of sick and dead children. The virus has also been found in Maharashtra and Karnataka states.

Helplines have been set up by the local government to handle calls from concerned parents, and the Health and Family Welfare Department has cancelled health workers’ leave to deal with the volume of cases. Clinics have been instructed to open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Protocols used during the Covid pandemic, such as mask-wearing and social distancing, are being introduced to slow infections, although schools have not been ordered to close.

“The magnitude and severity of the epidemic is unprecedented,” said paediatrician Apurba Ghosh.

Last week, more than 100 families who had travelled with sick children from villages and towns across the state were camped inside the grounds of BC Roy children’s hospital in Kolkata, waiting for news from doctors.

Alamin Mollah, from Canning, about 60 miles from the state capital, had brought his one-year-old son to the hospital. The baby was constantly crying and suffering from diarrhoea (another symptom of the adenovirus).

Mollah said the doctor back home was not helpful. “The baby was refusing food and water. He was not drinking the ORS [oral rehydration solution]. The doctor said: ‘If the baby is not drinking the ORS, nothing can be done,’ and walked out. He didn’t even bother to examine the child. So we decided to come to Kolkata.”

Also at the hospital, a woman from the city of Bangaon said her 10-month-old grandson had died of respiratory failure, having had breathing difficulties and a fever for more than a month. “He was coughing so hard that blood started coming out of his mouth. The doctors told me his lungs had been badly damaged,” she said.

On Sunday, the West Bengal government formed an eight-member taskforce to monitor cases and treatment. Doctors who spoke to the Guardian said one reason for the high volume of cases among young children, is because they were not able to build immunity to common infections during Covid lockdowns.

They added that paediatric healthcare has not received enough attention in recent years. One health official said “The primary healthcare centres in the state, which are the first point of healthcare intervention, are not equipped with health management for severe paediatric ailments.”

Dr Prabhas Prasun Giri, who runs the paediatric intensive care unit at the Institute of Child Health in Kolkata, said the state had not been prepared to deal with the huge influx of patients. “As we live in the post-Covid era, we should be prepared for any such type of virus outbreak. This year, it’s adenovirus. Next year, it may be RSV [respiratory syncytial virus]. Another year, it may be flu,” he said.

During the Covid pandemic, adult ICU services were developed to handle infections but paediatric facilities were not, he added. Most private hospitals in Kolkata have adult intensive care units but don’t have paediatric ICUs. “So the most challenging aspect has been accommodating sick children in ICUs,” he said.

Indian state in crisis after adenovirus hits 12,000 people this year and families with sick children camp outside Kolkata hospital

A new year means new opportunities, and we're hoping this year gives rise to some much-needed stability and progress. Whatever happens, the Guardian will be there, providing clarity and fearless, independent reporting from around the world, 24/7. 

Times are tough, and we know not everyone is in a position to pay for news. But as we’re reader-funded, we rely on the ongoing generosity of those who can afford it. This vital support means millions can continue to read reliable reporting on the events shaping our world. Will you invest in the Guardian this year?

Unlike many others, we have no billionaire owner, meaning we can fearlessly chase the truth and report it with integrity. 2023 will be no different; we will work with trademark determination and passion to bring you journalism that’s always free from commercial or political interference. No one edits our editor or diverts our attention from what’s most important. 

With your support, we’ll continue to keep Guardian journalism open and free for everyone to read. When access to information is made equal, greater numbers of people can understand global events and their impact on people and communities. Together, we can demand better from the powerful and fight for democracy.

Whether you give a little or a lot, your funding is vital in powering our reporting for years to come.
16:22 Defining acute and chronic insomnia
Defining acute and chronic insomnia

You know how awful one night of bad sleep can make you feel. Now multiply that one bad night by weeks, even months, and it’s easy to understand why insomnia can take a tremendous mental and physical toll on people.

By definition, even having just a few restless nights of sleep qualifies as a bout of insomnia. (1) In and of itself, a night or two of bad sleep isn’t a critical problem. But one or two nights of bad sleep can easily turn into a persistent problem. And it’s the repetitive nights of continued sleep woes that are the biggest drain on the body and brain.

If you struggle to sleep, you’re not alone. Estimates suggest approximately 10 percent of adults suffer from chronic insomnia, and between 15 and 35 percent of adults suffer from some level of short-term insomnia lasting anywhere from a few days to up to three months. (2)

Those numbers are worrying because sleep is one of the foundations of good health. If you’re not getting the slumber you need, you could be putting your health in jeopardy.

“Epidemiological studies show that lack of sleep is associated with obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, even Alzheimer’s,” says Sara Nowakowski, PhD, a clinical psychologist and sleep researcher at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. Other consequences of insomnia include increased risk for psychiatric disorders and motor vehicle accidents. When it comes to health, she adds: “Sleep is just as important as diet and other lifestyle behaviors.”

That’s why dealing with insomnia and getting the help you need is critical. So how do you know if you have insomnia, and how do you treat it if you do have it? Read on to get answers to your most pressing questions.

What Is Insomnia: Defining Both Acute and Chronic Insomnia
Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder. Unlike many other medical conditions, it has a relatively simple definition. “Insomnia means an inability to sleep,” says Gerard J. Meskill, MD, a neurologist and sleep disorders specialist with the Tricoastal Narcolepsy and Sleep Disorders Center in Texas. Characteristics of insomnia include not being able to fall asleep, not staying asleep throughout the night, and waking up too early in the morning.

More specifically, there are two types of insomnia: acute and chronic. Acute insomnia means you have trouble sleeping for only a short period of time, even if that means only for one night. “Virtually everybody gets acute insomnia every once in a while,” Dr. Meskill says. But this insomnia is so short lasting that once the cause behind it disappears, you return to your normal sleep patterns. (3)

Acute insomnia can still be a problem, however, because if ignored and not addressed it can lead to longer-term chronic insomnia.

Chronic insomnia is more severe and involves difficulty sleeping three or more days per week over the course of three months. Individuals with chronic insomnia also report disruptions in their daytime functioning, including sleepiness, irritability, or anxiety, or difficulty paying attention, focusing on tasks, or remembering, Dr. Nowakowski says.

While acute insomnia can usually be solved without professional help, the same isn’t true for people with chronic insomnia. These individuals need to work with a trained professional, and the sooner they bring someone on board, the more quickly they can stop problems from becoming even more severe and thus taking longer to solve.

Signs and Symptoms of Insomnia
Determining if you have insomnia usually isn’t difficult. In most cases, you know if you’re not sleeping well. “Most patients see me already knowing their diagnosis,” Meskill says.

But there are also some people who may not be aware that they have insomnia. “It’s possible that these people have so much going on that they might perceive symptoms of daytime fatigue as a result of other chronic health conditions or a busy schedule,” he says.

Taking 30 minutes or longer to fall asleep at night suggests you have insomnia. (4) When it comes to middle-of-the-night awakenings, most people have a few of those each night. But if yours tend to last more than a few seconds or minutes — that is, you’re fully awake and can’t get back to sleep — that’s indicative of insomnia. (5)

Waking up early in the morning before you intend to (and therefore cutting your total sleep time for the night short) can also be a sign of insomnia. (1)

Keep in mind that adults need seven or more hours of sleep each night. There are individual differences in sleep needs: some people need just seven hours to feel perfectly rested and others need closer to nine. And everyone’s going to have a poor night of sleep from time to time. But if you’re waking up just four or five hours after going to bed often, that’s a problem, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (6)

In addition to having trouble falling asleep at night, staying asleep, or waking up too early in the morning, common insomnia symptoms include: (2)

Problems with focusing or concentration
Poor memory
Mood disturbance
Daytime sleepiness
Low motivation or energy
Increased errors or accidents
If you’re at all concerned about your sleep issues, talk with your doctor. Your doctor can then direct you to a qualified sleep specialist.

Causes and Risk Factors of Insomnia
Insomnia doesn’t just have one cause — it can be caused by a number of factors.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, these causes can include: (7)

Medical conditions, such as arthritis, asthma, chronic pain, sleep apnea, and neurological conditions (including Parkinson’s disease)
Psychiatric conditions, such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and bipolar disorder (insomnia can also contribute to or raise your risk for anxiety and depression.)
Dietary habits, such as consuming heavy meals too close to when you go to sleep, or consuming too much caffeine or alcohol
Nicotine use
Jet lag
Unhealthy sleep habits, such as having an inconsistent or irregular sleep schedule

To better understand how insomnia develops and its causes in a specific individual, sleep experts often use what’s called the “Spielman model” or “3P behavioral model” of insomnia. It helps sleep doctors chart various factors that might trigger insomnia, and account for any possible contributing causes.

Per past research, here’s what each “P” means, and how each can potentially contribute to insomnia: (8)

Predisposing Factors This category includes most psychological, biological, and social factors that could make you more prone to insomnia. For example, anxiety, being a woman (because statistics show insomnia is more common in women than in men), and hyperarousal (meaning that you’re at greater risk of anxiety or have a higher wake drive than normal) are all predisposing psychological or biological factors. Predisposing social factors include an unconventional work schedule, and also a bed partner whose sleep schedule doesn’t align with yours.
Precipitating Factors These are new and often stress-related events that trigger insomnia. For instance, you might be dealing with stress at work, financial worries, bad news about something important in life, or travel. Pain, depression, illnesses, and medication may also play into this, and all of these factors can lead to chronic insomnia. Note, though, that an ongoing medical issue like chronic pain or untreated obstructive sleep apnea can serve as both precipitating and perpetuating factors, Meskill says.
Perpetuating Factors These are generally behaviors or beliefs people have adopted that either maintain their sleep difficulties or make them worse, all of which perpetuate chronic insomnia. This could include changes in daytime behaviors — many people take naps or try to sleep in later, which can in some cases make insomnia worse — or beliefs about sleep that fuel the insomnia flame. For instance, people with insomnia often develop anxieties connected to their bed, fear about not sleeping, and even worries about how lack of sleep will affect their daytime routines. Medical issues, as Meskill mentioned above, can also fall into this category.
Though in some cases any one of these causes may be problematic enough to trigger insomnia, for most individuals who have trouble sleeping, a combination of factors from each of these categories contributes to insomnia.
воскресенье, 19 марта 2023
22:36 Samoa PM urges world to save Pacific people from climate crisis obliteration
Samoa PM urges world to save Pacific people from climate crisis obliteration

The world must step back from the brink of climate disaster to save the people of the Pacific from obliteration, the prime minister of Samoa has urged.

On the eve of a landmark report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which is expected to deliver a scientific “final warning” on the climate emergency, Fiame Naomi Mata’afa, Samoa’s prime minister, issued a desperate plea for action.

“We’re all impacted, but the degree of the impact is in the particular circumstance of countries. So our low-lying atoll countries, it’s right there, we’re living with it,” said Mata’afa.

“There are already examples in the Pacific of communities, whole communities, that have relocated to different countries,” she said. “They’re really having to address issues of sovereignty through loss of land.”

Mata’afa warned that all countries would face escalating damage unless they acted now. “This is a collective issue, no one is free from the impacts of climate change,” she said, in an interview with the Guardian. “So it’s very important for the global family to hold to determinations [to cut greenhouse gas emissions] that have already been made. It seems more immediate for us [in the Pacific] but it’s still impacting all of us.”

On Monday, the IPCC will produce the final summary of its latest appraisal of global climate science. Known as the “synthesis report”, it is expected to warn that the world has only a few years in which to achieve a profound shift to a global low-carbon economy, or face catastrophe from extreme weather, including rising sea levels, intense heatwaves and devastating droughts, heavier floods and a cascade of other impacts.

The report will also set out ways in which to achieve this low-carbon economy, and to keep global heating within the crucial threshold of 1.5C above pre-industrial levels, beyond which the IPCC has warned of impacts that will rapidly become catastrophic and irreversible.

Mata’afa said: “With the work of the IPCC, there is a glimmering hope that there is a body of evidence that can support the decisions that need to be made. [People in Samoa are] having faith that [this message] will bear through.”

The IPCC is the world’s leading body of climate scientists, with hundreds of lead authors drawing on the peer-reviewed work of thousands of scientists to produce comprehensive reports, thousands of pages long, that sum up global knowledge of the crisis.

Over the last two years, the IPCC has released its sixth such assessment since 1988, in three parts from August 2021 to March 2022. This final report, called the synthesis report, will summarise the previous warnings and present them to global governments.

IPCC reports take six to eight years to compile, so this will be the last before 2030, by which time the world may have already breached the 1.5C threshold, unless greenhouse gas emissions fall rapidly in the next few years.

Prof Emily Shuckburgh, the director of Cambridge Zero at the University of Cambridge, said: “The science is clearer than ever, and once more the world’s scientists remind us how little time we have left to limit warming to 1.5C. Even now, at 1.1C, climate impacts are deadly.”

Alok Sharma, the president of the Cop26 UN climate summit in 2021, said governments must respond. “The IPCC’s reports continue to be wake-up calls for world leaders to act much faster if we are to have any hope of keeping 1.5C alive. While we are seeing some progress, frankly, we are moving far too slowly in decarbonising our economies and adapting to the changing climate,” he told the Guardian.

He called for more investment. “Finance is key, and delivering the trillions of dollars for climate action, which many leaders have talked about, is now critical,” he said.

The islands of the Pacific represent some of the most at-risk nations, and had been instrumental in calling for other countries to accept the 1.5C limit, said Mata’afa.

Samoa, made up of nine small islands in the mid-Pacific, about halfway between New Zealand and Hawaii, contains some higher ground than many of its atoll neighbours. But the country is still facing rising seas and more devastating storms.

Mata’afa, Samoa’s first female PM, attended a Commonwealth Secretariat event in London last week, where the role of women in tackling the climate crisis was discussed.

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суббота, 18 марта 2023
22:37 What Is the DASH Diet?
What Is the DASH Diet? A Guide to the Scientific Plan for Lowering Blood Pressure

The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, or DASH, diet has been consistently ranked by U.S. News & World Report as a top diet overall, and that comes as no surprise.right up arrow Unlike fad diets that call for extreme calorie or food-group restrictions without scientific evidence that supports their efficacy, the DASH diet involves manageable dietary changes that are flexible and rooted in proven nutritional advice.

This has made the eating plan popular among doctors, dietitians, and other health professionals in the United States, where heart disease remains the No. 1 killer among men and women.right up arrow High blood pressure (hypertension) is a big contributing factor to heart disease and affects an estimated 50 percent of American adults. One in three of those people don’t know they have hypertension.right up arrow Heart disease is also the leading cause of death around the world.right up arrow The good news is that lifestyle changes, including the switch to a healthy diet, may help lower blood pressure in patients with resistant hypertension, which is blood pressure that remains elevated despite medication, research suggests.

Whom Is the DASH Diet Good for Exactly, and What Variations Are There?

The DASH diet was developed specifically to help people lower high blood pressure and is promoted by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), which is part of the National Institutes of Health.right up arrow Blood pressure readings higher than 130 millimeters of mercury (mmHg) for systolic blood pressure (the top number) and higher than 80 mmHg for diastolic (the bottom number) are considered high.right up arrow

The food options available on the DASH diet closely mirror the eating plan recommended in the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s MyPlate, with a focus on whole foods, such as fruit and veggies; fat-free or low-fat dairy; whole grains; and lean meats, fish, and poultry.right up arrow Meanwhile, the plan requires cutting back on, or preferably eliminating, processed foods, like sugary drinks and packaged snacks, and limiting red meat, which has been linked to increased risk of coronary heart disease.

The DASH diet specifically meets the sodium requirements that can give people an edge over hypertension.right up arrow This means it’s a great diet for people who have high blood pressure or are looking to reduce their risk of heart disease, as well as those individuals who may be at risk of type 2 diabetes or are currently managing the condition.right up arrow
DASH Diet Types
Depending on your health needs, you can choose from two forms of the DASH diet.

The standard DASH diet This plan limits sodium consumption to 2,300 milligrams (mg) per day.

The lower-sodium DASH diet This version calls for limiting sodium consumption to 1,500 mg per day.

The daily DASH eating plan also involves, on average:right up arrow
6 to 8 servings of grains, preferably whole grains
6 or fewer servings of meat, poultry, and fish
4 to 5 servings of veggies
4 to 5 servings of fruit
2 to 3 servings of low-fat or fat-free dairy products
2 to 3 servings of fat or oils
Here are some of the other estimated daily nutritional goals of the DASH diet plan.right up arrow
Total fat is about 27 percent of calories
Saturated fat is 6 percent of calories or less
Protein is about 18 percent of calories
Carbohydrates are about 55 percent of calories
Cholesterol is limited to 150 mg
Fiber is 30 grams (g) or more
Depending on your weight loss or weight maintenance needs, you can choose a DASH diet plan that provides 1,200, 1,400, 1,600, 1,800, 2,000, 2,600, or 3,100 calories per day.right up arrow

What Is the DASH Diet? A Guide to the Scientific Plan for Lowering Blood Pressure

The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, or DASH, diet has been consistently ranked by U.S. News & World Report as a top diet overall, and that comes as no surprise.right up arrow Unlike fad diets that call for extreme calorie or food-group restrictions without scientific evidence that supports their efficacy, the DASH diet involves manageable dietary changes that are flexible and rooted in proven nutritional advice.

This has made the eating plan popular among doctors, dietitians, and other health professionals in the United States, where heart disease remains the No. 1 killer among men and women.right up arrow High blood pressure (hypertension) is a big contributing factor to heart disease and affects an estimated 50 percent of American adults. One in three of those people don’t know they have hypertension.right up arrow Heart disease is also the leading cause of death around the world.right up arrow The good news is that lifestyle changes, including the switch to a healthy diet, may help lower blood pressure in patients with resistant hypertension, which is blood pressure that remains elevated despite medication, research suggests.

Whom Is the DASH Diet Good for Exactly, and What Variations Are There?

The DASH diet was developed specifically to help people lower high blood pressure and is promoted by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), which is part of the National Institutes of Health.right up arrow Blood pressure readings higher than 130 millimeters of mercury (mmHg) for systolic blood pressure (the top number) and higher than 80 mmHg for diastolic (the bottom number) are considered high.right up arrow

The food options available on the DASH diet closely mirror the eating plan recommended in the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s MyPlate, with a focus on whole foods, such as fruit and veggies; fat-free or low-fat dairy; whole grains; and lean meats, fish, and poultry.right up arrow Meanwhile, the plan requires cutting back on, or preferably eliminating, processed foods, like sugary drinks and packaged snacks, and limiting red meat, which has been linked to increased risk of coronary heart disease.

The DASH diet specifically meets the sodium requirements that can give people an edge over hypertension.right up arrow This means it’s a great diet for people who have high blood pressure or are looking to reduce their risk of heart disease, as well as those individuals who may be at risk of type 2 diabetes or are currently managing the condition.right up arrow
DASH Diet Types
Depending on your health needs, you can choose from two forms of the DASH diet.

The standard DASH diet This plan limits sodium consumption to 2,300 milligrams (mg) per day.

The lower-sodium DASH diet This version calls for limiting sodium consumption to 1,500 mg per day.

The daily DASH eating plan also involves, on average:right up arrow
6 to 8 servings of grains, preferably whole grains
6 or fewer servings of meat, poultry, and fish
4 to 5 servings of veggies
4 to 5 servings of fruit
2 to 3 servings of low-fat or fat-free dairy products
2 to 3 servings of fat or oils
Here are some of the other estimated daily nutritional goals of the DASH diet plan.right up arrow
Total fat is about 27 percent of calories
Saturated fat is 6 percent of calories or less
Protein is about 18 percent of calories
Carbohydrates are about 55 percent of calories
Cholesterol is limited to 150 mg
Fiber is 30 grams (g) or more
Depending on your weight loss or weight maintenance needs, you can choose a DASH diet plan that provides 1,200, 1,400, 1,600, 1,800, 2,000, 2,600, or 3,100 calories per day.right up arrow
12:24 Weather tracker Cyclone Freddy leaves trail of devastation
Weather tracker Cyclone Freddy leaves trail of devastation

Cyclone Freddy, which developed over the Indian Ocean more than a month ago, has dissipated this week, after making landfall a second time in southern Africa. The death toll had exceeded 300 across Madagascar, Mozambique, and Malawi by Thursday, with more than 700 people injured, 40 missing and 80,000 displaced.

The devastation was caused by severe flooding and landslides, which swept away roads and buried homes in mud. Power outages in Mozambique have affected small villages since last weekend, hindering rescue efforts as people await food and medical assistance.

Before Freddy, Malawi was experiencing its deadliest cholera outbreak, and it is feared flood waters could exacerbate the situation and reduce access to safe water and sanitation.

The World Meteorological Organization is setting up a committee to evaluate if Freddy has broken the record for the longest-lasting tropical cyclone. The index used to measure the energy released by a tropical cyclone, known as accumulated cyclone energy, estimates Freddy had the equivalent energy of an entire North American hurricane season.

In California, the relentless conveyor belt of “atmospheric rivers” has continued to bring deluges of rainfall. It was the 11th such event this year and resulted in further flooding and mudslides that left 100,000 people without power by Thursday.

A state of emergency was declared in 43 of California’s 58 counties, with 11 deaths reported. One positive aspect of the continuous heavy rainfall is that longstanding water restrictions caused by drought have been partially lifted.

In Peru, a state of emergency was declared as Cyclone Yaku caused widespread flooding. Torrential rains on Wednesday inundated several northern regions, killing at least six people, according to the emergency services. The cyclone is the latest in a series of heavy rainfall events this rainy season, which has caused 58 deaths in floods and landslides.

- Weather tracker Cyclone Freddy leaves trail of devastation

Cyclone Freddy, which developed over the Indian Ocean more than a month ago, has dissipated this week, after making landfall a second time in southern Africa. The death toll had exceeded 300 across Madagascar, Mozambique, and Malawi by Thursday, with more than 700 people injured, 40 missing and 80,000 displaced.

The devastation was caused by severe flooding and landslides, which swept away roads and buried homes in mud. Power outages in Mozambique have affected small villages since last weekend, hindering rescue efforts as people await food and medical assistance.

Before Freddy, Malawi was experiencing its deadliest cholera outbreak, and it is feared flood waters could exacerbate the situation and reduce access to safe water and sanitation.

The World Meteorological Organization is setting up a committee to evaluate if Freddy has broken the record for the longest-lasting tropical cyclone. The index used to measure the energy released by a tropical cyclone, known as accumulated cyclone energy, estimates Freddy had the equivalent energy of an entire North American hurricane season.

In California, the relentless conveyor belt of “atmospheric rivers” has continued to bring deluges of rainfall. It was the 11th such event this year and resulted in further flooding and mudslides that left 100,000 people without power by Thursday.

A state of emergency was declared in 43 of California’s 58 counties, with 11 deaths reported. One positive aspect of the continuous heavy rainfall is that longstanding water restrictions caused by drought have been partially lifted.

In Peru, a state of emergency was declared as Cyclone Yaku caused widespread flooding. Torrential rains on Wednesday inundated several northern regions, killing at least six people, according to the emergency services. The cyclone is the latest in a series of heavy rainfall events this rainy season, which has caused 58 deaths in floods and landslides.

- Weather tracker Cyclone Freddy leaves trail of devastation

Cyclone Freddy, which developed over the Indian Ocean more than a month ago, has dissipated this week, after making landfall a second time in southern Africa. The death toll had exceeded 300 across Madagascar, Mozambique, and Malawi by Thursday, with more than 700 people injured, 40 missing and 80,000 displaced.

The devastation was caused by severe flooding and landslides, which swept away roads and buried homes in mud. Power outages in Mozambique have affected small villages since last weekend, hindering rescue efforts as people await food and medical assistance.

Before Freddy, Malawi was experiencing its deadliest cholera outbreak, and it is feared flood waters could exacerbate the situation and reduce access to safe water and sanitation.

The World Meteorological Organization is setting up a committee to evaluate if Freddy has broken the record for the longest-lasting tropical cyclone. The index used to measure the energy released by a tropical cyclone, known as accumulated cyclone energy, estimates Freddy had the equivalent energy of an entire North American hurricane season.

In California, the relentless conveyor belt of “atmospheric rivers” has continued to bring deluges of rainfall. It was the 11th such event this year and resulted in further flooding and mudslides that left 100,000 people without power by Thursday.

A state of emergency was declared in 43 of California’s 58 counties, with 11 deaths reported. One positive aspect of the continuous heavy rainfall is that longstanding water restrictions caused by drought have been partially lifted.

In Peru, a state of emergency was declared as Cyclone Yaku caused widespread flooding. Torrential rains on Wednesday inundated several northern regions, killing at least six people, according to the emergency services. The cyclone is the latest in a series of heavy rainfall events this rainy season, which has caused 58 deaths in floods and landslides.

- Weather tracker Cyclone Freddy leaves trail of devastation

Cyclone Freddy, which developed over the Indian Ocean more than a month ago, has dissipated this week, after making landfall a second time in southern Africa. The death toll had exceeded 300 across Madagascar, Mozambique, and Malawi by Thursday, with more than 700 people injured, 40 missing and 80,000 displaced.

The devastation was caused by severe flooding and landslides, which swept away roads and buried homes in mud. Power outages in Mozambique have affected small villages since last weekend, hindering rescue efforts as people await food and medical assistance.

Before Freddy, Malawi was experiencing its deadliest cholera outbreak, and it is feared flood waters could exacerbate the situation and reduce access to safe water and sanitation.

The World Meteorological Organization is setting up a committee to evaluate if Freddy has broken the record for the longest-lasting tropical cyclone. The index used to measure the energy released by a tropical cyclone, known as accumulated cyclone energy, estimates Freddy had the equivalent energy of an entire North American hurricane season.

In California, the relentless conveyor belt of “atmospheric rivers” has continued to bring deluges of rainfall. It was the 11th such event this year and resulted in further flooding and mudslides that left 100,000 people without power by Thursday.

A state of emergency was declared in 43 of California’s 58 counties, with 11 deaths reported. One positive aspect of the continuous heavy rainfall is that longstanding water restrictions caused by drought have been partially lifted.

In Peru, a state of emergency was declared as Cyclone Yaku caused widespread flooding. Torrential rains on Wednesday inundated several northern regions, killing at least six people, according to the emergency services. The cyclone is the latest in a series of heavy rainfall events this rainy season, which has caused 58 deaths in floods and landslides.
четверг, 16 марта 2023
20:20 Health Myths And Pet pacts You Need
Common Pet Health Myths  You Believed To Be True
Statistics show that more than half of all households worldwide own  a pet, and rightly so. 
Pets bring joy, provide companionship when we need it  most,  love unconditionally, and aren't as demanding (or disappointing) as humans. 
Studies have also shown that keeping pets can help with depression and loneliness, so it's our responsibility to show them the utmost love and care. 
However, there are some misconceptions about pet care that we all need to unlearn. 
Old Dogs Don't Learn New Tricks 
The best thing about dogs, besides eagerly greeting you at the door every day after work, is teaching them clever tricks.It's a common myth that older dogs can't be trained like younger ones, but the truth is that with practice and the right motivation, all dogs can learn new tricks, regardless of  age. 
Even the  smartest dog in the world, the now elderly Chaser,  is constantly learning new tricks thanks to his master's patience and dedication. 
Can you feed your pets human food? 
It's not uncommon for your dog or cat to wag their tails and chase you around lunchtime, hoping to have shepherd's pie or mashed potatoes on their plate. 
Although you may be tempted to give in to their pleading looks, you must not give animals human food. 
Sure, a few cookies here and there or a sip of ice cream isn't so bad, but regularly feeding your four-legged friends unhealthy foods can do more harm than good.
Licking wounds is good for healing 
You may have heard  that it is good for you when animals lick your wounds. This myth couldn't be further from the truth, because your pet's saliva contains no healing magic. 
Conversely, licking wounds can irritate them even more or, worse, cause  infection. 
It's perfectly normal to keep fish in a glass bowl 
We're so used to seeing goldfish swimming in a small glass bowl that we  think it's normal to keep them in such a small space. In fact, fish don't feel comfortable in a small body of water, and they don't even have enough oxygen to survive.

Popular Myths About Pets’ Health You Thought Were True

Statistics show that more than half of the households around the globe own some kind of a pet, and rightfully so.

Pets bring joy, provide companionship when we need it the most, they love unconditionally and aren’t as demanding (or disappointing as humans).

Studies have also shown that having pets can help with depression and loneliness which is why it is our duty to give them our utmost love and attention.

However, there are some common misbeliefs when it comes to pet care which we all need to unlearn.

Old Dogs Don’t Learn New Tricks
The best part about dogs, besides them enthusiastically greeting you at the door every day after work, is teaching them clever tricks.

It’s a widely popular myth that old dogs can’t be trained like young ones but the truth is that with practice and the right motivation, all dogs are capable of learning new tricks, regardless of their age.

Even the world’s smartest dog, Chaser, who is now in his late years, is continuously learning new tricks thanks to his master’s patience and dedication.

You Can Feed Human Foods to Your Pets
It’s quite common for your dog or cat to wag their tail and run after you during dinner time in hopes of getting some of the Shepard’s pie or mashed potatoes from your plate.

While you might feel tempted to give in to their pleading looks, you can’t give just about any human food to your pets.

Sure, an occasional cookie here and there or a lick of ice cream isn’t that harmful but if you’re feeding your four-legged friends junk food on the regular, it might end up causing more harm than good.

Licking Their Wounds is Good for Healing
You might have heard the saying that when pets lick their wounds, it’s actually good for them. This myth couldn’t be any farther from the truth because there is no healing magic in your pet’s saliva.

On the contrary, licking wounds can irritate them even further, or worse, cause an infection.

It’s Completely Normal to Keep Fish in a Glass Bowl
We’re so used to seeing goldfish swimming in a small glass bowl that we actually think that it’s normal to keep them in such confined spaces. In reality, fish don’t feel comfortable in a small water body, and don’t even get enough oxygen for their survival.